ch 7

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*flash back*

Luna's POV

"Look, Calum, it's a dandelion!" I say, pointing to the white flower. "Make a wish!"

"Luna, you know those dreams don't come true." He would always say, stuffing his hands back into his pockets. He kicked a pebble on the sidewalk as I plucked the flower from the grass.

I silently wish for something in my head, and blow. I watched the tiny seedlings fly with the wind.

"You know," he said, turning towards me. "I wish I were a dandelion. No worries, and eventually, someone would free me, and I could leave this horrible world, this horrible reality."

*end of flash back*

Luke's POV

I groan as I go to snooze my alarm clock. My mum has already left for work, and my dad is out of town, so I'll just stay home.

Besides, I don't feel like going to school today. Who am I kidding, I don't even feel like living.

I roll back over onto my side and close my eyes once again, eventually letting sleep carry me away.

Luna's POV

"Ugh, shut up you damn thing!" I yell at my alarm. My mum has always told me that yelling and swearing at something won't help, but I've never lived by those words.

I finally force myself out of bed, the only thought that got me to was that I'm going to see Calum. He's the one thing that can take my mind off last night.

I decide on back skinny jeans, with no holes. (I know, surprising right?) and an over sized Nirvana tee. I walk to my bathroom and just apply mascara, slip on some socks and my black Vans, and head downstairs.

Like usual, I pick a protein bar out of my pantry, (blueberry: my favorite), and open it as I look out the window. Calum isn't there, so maybe he's outside already.

I take what's left of my breakfast bar and grab my bag off the hook. As I do so, I see my couch, and I'm reminded of last night. Shuddering, I close my door behind me and walk into Calum's garage.

"Calum, you ready?" I somewhat raise my voice.

"Yep." Is all I hear as a response. I try my best to follow the voice.

I finally end up walking through his door in his garage, and I end up in his fenced-in backyard. I laugh when I see him swinging back and forth on the old swing set he's had for ages.

I lower myself onto the other yellow one next to him, and just look forward, following his gaze.

"Hey, do you remember when you always blew out the dandelions, and I constantly gave you shit because none of mine came true, and I didn't want yours to if mine wouldn't?" He asked, crinkling grass under his large feet.

I just smiled and laughed. "Yes, of course I do. Then you said this awesome metaphor, that I will never forget." My eyes crinkle as I smile even wider, (if that's possible), and I shake my head while looking at my feet again.

"Yeah, you know, I take that back." He said, swinging himself slowly.

"What, why? It's an amazing metaphor!" I say, tucking my hair behind my ear so I can face him and see him at the same time.

"No, not the metaphor," he simply said, smiling a little. "I mean, I was wrong when I said that dandelion dreams don't come true. Because, guess what, you're living proof that they do."

My cheeks turn red. I know I can't see them, but I can feel the heat increasing. Calum always made me feel like this, but this time it was different, because now he doesn't have to say 'only as a friend' or 'in a friendly way.'

"Well guess what," I said biting my lip as I smile and look into his eyes. "Mine came true, too." I finally let go of one of the swing chains and link Calum's hand with mine, pulling him off the swings with me.

He followed as I pulled him through out his garage, and back into the front yard. "Now, let's go get our learn on." I said, still tugging him with me to my car.

"Babe, can't we just cuddle all day instead?" He jerked his hand away, crossed his arms in front of his chest, and pouted at me.

"Maybe some other time," I say, pecking his lips and then walking to my side of the car. "But, for now, I have an algebra test to fail."



hey guys! im sorry this was such a short chapter but i wanted to update since i suck and i haven't in a while!

but my next update will be very long & eventful, so look forward to that wOOO

anyways, you are all so lovely & i love you to pieces!


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