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Luna's POV

The grass crunches underneath my feet as I walk from Calum's yard to mine. Within seconds I make it to my porch and open up my front door.

"What?" I mutter to myself. Usually my door is always locked when I'm not inside my house, so this is kind of freaking me out.

I flick the light switch on, illuminating my dim house. The lights take a little while to fully settle, and in the meantime I hang my backpack up on a hook by my front door and check the clock above the kitchen stove.

9:oo PM.

I look over into my living room and towards the black, leather couch.

My body jumps off of the ground in horror as my heart stops.

I look at the figure with broad shoulders and quiffed hair sitting on my couch as I attempt to catch my breathe.

"L-Luke, is that you?" I manage to spit out. I walk over the couch to get a better look, and surprisingly enough, it's Luke.

"Hey, we need to talk."

Luke's POV

She walks over and sits down next to me, crossing her tan legs.


"Just go ahead and say it, Luke."

"Fine then. You know we can't forget the past, right?" I reply, looking into her eyes.

"I've been trying to forget it, Luke. Why can't you?" She runs her hand through her hair as she huffs out a deep breathe.

"I've been trying so hard to, Luna. I just can't. I still love you. I'm still in love with you. Did that whole year mean nothing to you?" My voice raises in anger, I can't believe she can just forget about this, I loved her. Hell, I still love her.

"Of course that year meant something to me, Luke!" She slapped her thigh and stood up, pacing the room. She seems to be covered in something red, but it would be a bad time to ask her right now. "It didn't mean nothing! I just don't love you anymore! I'm sorry, Luke. I just don't love you anymore. That year was amazing and I wouldn't trade it for the world, but I just don't feel like that anymore. You were my distraction. I'm sorry."

The room grows silent for a few seconds as I digest the news. A distraction? My breathe catches in my lungs as I feel my eyes begin to water.

"I-I-I was y-your distraction?" I stutter, trying to choke back the tears. I turn my head away from her, refusing to let her see me cry.

"Shit, Luke, I didn't mean it like that. I was just a teenager, and I still am. I'm learning from my mistakes. And.. I wasn't in love with you, Luke. I'm so fucking sorry. I was just in love with the idea of you. I was in love with the feeling that you might have been able to take my mind off of the boy that I couldn't have. I am so sorry, Luke." She walked towards me and attempted to place her hand on my shoulder.

"Don't fucking touch me. J-just don't." I swat her hand away and stand up, walking towards her front door.

"Luke, wai-"

I slam her door before I can hear her finish. She was my whole god damn world, and I was her distraction. I open my car door and sit in the driver's seat, buckle up, and put the keys in the ignition. I slam my hand against the steering wheel as I let it all out. My salty tears stream down my face as I scream in agony. I've never cried like this before, and it feels good. Releasing all of my emotions and hurt. I snap out of my fit and drive away, still wiping my tears from my eyes.

Luna's POV

I scream profanities at myself as I walk upstairs into my bathroom, wiping tears away from my face. I grab a towel and hop into the shower, hoping to forget the past fifteen minutes.

I must have stayed in that shower for an hour. I finally finish washing the conditioner from my hair and step out. I dry off a bit and head into my room, changing into some clean pj's.

I immediately plop into my bed, set my alarm, and drift off into some much needed sleep. My still-tear-stained cheeks burn as I bury my face into my pillow.

Calum's POV

I clean up the kitchen with a wet mop, which basically does the job.

After I'm done taking a shower, I change into some sweatpants and lay down in my bed.

I start to think about what Luna last said to me. What did it mean? My mind wanders, and I start to think about leaving, even though I shouldn't be since she just asked me to promise that I never will.

But, now I realize it.

Leaving wouldn't be that bad of an idea. Getting a break from school, my sister being the golden child, my parents. Especially, getting out of this small town. Maybe I could do something with my life if I left. Maybe I could actually pursue my career and get an escape from everyone and everything. Just some time for myself. Just some time to figure out who I am and who I want to be.

Just me.



yeah.. so this happened.



(ps, sorry for all the POV's loove you.)

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