ch 16

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Today's the day that I have to say goodbye to Calum and the boys. Calum's sister, Mali-Koa, and I share a conversation while the boys finish any last minute packing. 

My heart skips a beat as I hear them make their way out of the garage door, and out to driveway. All of them are lugging giant black suitcases and other bags as carry ons. 

With everyone's help, the back of the SUV they'll be leaving in is filled with clothes and everything they need for the next eleven months on the road. I feel a tear roll down my cheek when the sad realization enters my head. 

I try to ignore it for as long as humanly possible as the boys say good bye to their families. Then Michael and I hug goodbye, next Ashton, and then Luke. The boys before Luke had said I love you, but all Luke did was hold me in his arms longer than expected, and he kisses the top of my head. I squirm free, knowing that everyone has to be watching us, and he boards the car. 

"I love you so much, Luna." Calum says as he embraces me in his arms. I know there's no way I'm going to be able to hold back my emotions now, so I just let myself collapse into his arms and heave sobs into his shoulder. 

"I love you more, Calum." I muffle, not even knowing if he understood what I just said. 

"Calum, it's time to go." The driver with a deep voice says and I'm startled by his presence. I hadn't even noticed they were being escorted to the airport. 

And then he pulls away, and smiles down at my wet face with a few tears leaving his eyes. I instantly feel cold, with the absence of his arms around me. 

"Nine months is nothing, okay? You can do it, I believe in you. I promise to text you everyday, and I'll call you ever chance I get. I love you to the moon and back." And with one final kiss, he climbs into the car and leaves, and I watch it drive away. 

"He really loves you." His mom, Joy, says as he gives me a hug, wipes her own tears, and his family and the others head into his house. "Want to join us?" She continues, gesturing to her house.

"Oh, no thanks, I-uh, my parents want me home. Thank you, though." She nods her head in understanding and I wave as I walk away. The truth is, my mom is in New York for her job and my dad got called on a business trip to San Francisco. I'm alone, once again. And this time, I have no one to take my mind off of it. 


It's been a month since Calum's been gone and the only thing I've gotten from is good morning and good night texts with I love you's. No calls, nothing else. Just those simple words, and I'm finding it hard to wake up in the morning. It's crazy that someone can impact your life so drastically and so quickly. 

I know what countries he's in because of Twitter and Instagram, but other than that I don't really know what he's doing. It's only been one month and I already feel like I'm losing him. 

I try to get that thought out of my head as I lay down and focus on the movie playing. Soon I have to change it, it reminds me too much of Calum. 

I haven't been sleeping in my bed, and it's currently 3 in the morning. I haven't slept much either. I never know how hard it was to live without someone. Even when my parents leave, it doesn't feel like this.


Holy shit hi!

It's been a while and I'm sorry for that, I just knew I wasn't at the skill level to make this story the best it could possibly be. I feel like I've grown in my writing skills a lot, and I hope you guys notice that too. 

Okay, thank you so much for reading, it means so much to me. And I'm not kidding, the fact that people actually care is amazing to me. 

I'm such a sap, alright more to come. And loads of drama ;)


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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2019 ⏰

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