ch 15

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"Honey, you're a mess!" My mom laughs as she tugs her hair behind her ears. The bed dips next to me and I feel her take a seat.

"Don't you think I already now that?" I reply, my eyes misty but not spilling yet.

"Don't you have any idea on what you want to do when you graduate high school?" She sighs, and I cringe at the question she knows I despise.

"No, Mom. I have no idea." I cry out, and finally the tears spill out.

I've never known what i've wanted to be my whole life. I don't even know who I am.

"Honey, we need to start thinking about this."

I nod my head, but I refuse to look her in the eyes.

She gets up, and walks to my bedroom door.

"You have tonight to think about it, okay babe?" She says, and then shuts the door behind me.

I've always loved to write. I have millions of unfinished stories that i've dreamed of publishing since I was five. I would convince myself that's what i would do when I grew up. But, I now need to accept the harsh reality. I'm not that great.

I sigh and lie back on my bed, knowing that Calum is the only person who can help, but the only person who I can't get to.

I pull out my phone from my back pocket and text him.

you - hey babe

Within ten seconds, my phone dings from his response.

calum <3 - what's up love?

you - i'm coming over

calum <3 - alright babe :)

I swallow my pride, and try to find a way out.

I first look down my window, hoping that the remaining fall isn't too long, but my hopes are crushed when i realize that horrific reality. It's hard to get it through my brain that my life isn't some romantic novel.

I try to get it through my brain that my parents won't be that angry if i say i'm going out, so I open my bedroom door and sneak down the stairs.

I groan when i see them sitting on the couch, watching an episode of The Real Housewives of New York.

"Mom, Dad, im going to go meet up with a friend at the café down the street, if that's okay." I try to smile my most innocent smile as they meet my eyes.

"Oh of course, sweetie. Just text me when you get there, when your food is ready, when you're done, and when you're on the way home. Also, let me know which friend it is, and who their parents are. You should also let me know if their parents are divorced, as well." My dad says, and I nod my head in agreement.

"Alright, I love you!" I shout as I run out the front door.

"We love y-" I shut the door and run across my lawn to Calum's house. I knock on his front door, evidently ecstatic as I haven't seen him in a week.

My heart flutters when he opens the door, and I immediately jump into his arms.

"I missed you so much, babe." He says as he sets me down on the ground and takes my hand.

"I missed you more." I laugh as I kiss him.

We walk to the couch, and he takes me into his arms. But, something's different in his face.

"Is something wrong?" I ask, scared to know the answer.

"We, uh. We need to talk." He says, and I sit straight up.

"Alright." I smile, terrified of what he's about to tell me.

"You know the song we sang you last week?" He starts.

I nod, and he goes on.

"Well, it blew up." He says, and I smile and hug him.

"That's great!" I say, leaning back to where i was sitting before.

"But, there's more." He says, and I can tell the obvious shift in his tone and overall mood.

I nod, but it's eating me alive.

"Louis Tomlinson from One Direction tweeted us, and, asked us on tour."

My heart stops. I grow lightheaded, all of the oxygen leaves my body.

"That-That's great." I say. Every ounce of my wants to be happy for him, but I just can't let him go.

"If we accept, we'll be gone for 11 months."

And there it is. The tears fall, and my heart finally beats again- but a mile a minute.

He takes me into his arms, and rocks me back and forth.

"I won't go. I'll tell the boys we can't do it."

And, that was just the response I didn't want to hear.

I pull away, and wipe my tears as I look him in the eyes.

"No. No, you are going. Calum, I love you so much. I love you more than anything in the world. You are my everything," I swallow hard. "I will always choose what's best for you. Always. This is possibly the greatest opportunity. Ever. I need you to go. i'm willing to let you go."

And with that, he kisses me, and I let myself fall.

I let myself feel.

I let myself live.

"I love you to the moon and back." He wipes the remaining tears from my cheeks, and pulls me down to lay with him.

"Always." I say, and my eye lids grow heavy as I fall into a well needed sleep.


ah, hi!

it's been a while.

i hope you enjoyed this chapter, this is where it starts to get good ;)

anyways, thank you for reading!!

xo <3

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