Chapter 3

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Liam's POV:

 I missed her, that's for sure. I know that Danielle and I called it off because we had other commitments, but that doesn't mean that I didn't miss her, or that I didn't stop loving her. It just means, as Harry said, that I need to move on and live my life without her. For now.

  "Liam mate, we're going to Nandos. It's out of the way and low key, so there probably won't be any fans there. Coming?" Niall smiled at me, hand on the door. Zayn was checking himself out in the mirror and Harry had Louis in a headlock and was laughing.

  "Oh, he doesn't have a choice! Liam, you are coming or Harry won't let me out of this bloody headlock!" Louis choked out, his face was tomato red.

  "Alright! I'm coming, just let me get my coat." I wasn't even remotely hungry, but I needed to escape this complex because it reminded me of Danielle. Harry sighed and reluctantly let go of Louis. Zayn stopped checking himself out (finally) and headed over to followed Niall to the car. Louis rubbed his neck tenderly, and then jabbed Harry right in the balls. Laughing gleefully, he skipped out of the door and sprinted to the car, a hobbling Harry following him.

  Once we were all in the car, Niall put on Ed Sheeran's album '+' and drove out of the complex. It felt good to be out on the streets of London again. I've been hiding away in that complex for too long.

  Niall was singing along to 'A-team', Louis was tickling Harry for revenge, and Zayn was scrolling through Twitter. Did I mention I was sitting in the front seat? Oh yes, the mighty Payne is in the house. I love sitting in the front seat, I feel like king of the road. Pretty awesome.

  "Liam mate, you need to go on your Twitter at some point. The fans are going crazy, now that they know you and Danielle have split up. They need clarification." Zayn peered around my seat and shoved his face really close to mine which forced me to turn around. He had crossed his eyes and his tongue was hanging out, which caused me to laugh. The boys erupted into cheers and Zayn looked rather smug.

  "Knew I would be the one to make him laugh again." He said proudly, which earned him a playful slap from Louis.

  "Oy Payne, how about a FIFA competition tonight? You win and you get to chose what music we have playing for a week. You lose and you have to do the dishes for a week. What do you say??" Harry grinned at me.

  "Fine, but the same rules apply to you too, Styles."

  The lads started to place food bets. Niall bet five doughnuts that I would win, and Zayn bet two packets of Monster Munch. Louis bet fifteen packs of Haribo that Harry would win. Challenge accepted.

  As we drew up to Nandos, I saw a girl enter, somewhat reluctantly. Harry, Louis and Zayn leaped out of Niall's car and ran towards Nandos, catching the door as it was about to swing shut behind the girl. Niall and I got out of the car and Niall clapped a hand on my shoulder before bounding after the others. I strolled over, not really feeling hungry until the door had closed behind me and I was enveloped by the amazing smell that is Nandos. My stomach growled loudly and I couldn't hold back any longer, so I charged after the lads, almost knocking the girl over who had come in before us.

  "I'm so sorry! I really should watch where I'm going." I smiled sheepishly, but my smile vanished and I became instantly concerned as I took in her appearance. She was dressed entirely in black, with black skinny jeans, black converse, and a black You Me At Six hoodie. Good band. Her long, thick mahogany hair was piled on the top of her head in a messy bun, and it shined brightly in the light.

  I left her face for last.

  Her eyes were a deep blue, almost stormy grey, and they were opened wide in shock, but red-rimmed from crying. Her long lashes glistened from many tears and her cheeks were red. Her entire face drained of colour the moment she had seen me, apart from her full red lips, which she was biting hard.

  I noticed that she was shaking like a leaf and looked absolutely terrified, pulling the sleeves of her hoodie down with all her might. She saw me looking and let out a small gasp. In the blink of an eye, she had raced out of Nandos, leaving the scent of roses and vanilla behind.

  My hand outstretched, I lurched forwards. The poor girl had looked so scared, and I had obviously done something to upset her. She wasn't one of the usual fans who screamed like banshees, I'm not entirely sure that she even was a fan. All I'm sure about is that here eyes reflected some of my pain, but that they were also full of sorrow, hurt and loss.

  And I didn't even get her name.   

 (Hi guys, I'm pretty new to this, so reviews would be awesome! Thanks :) x )

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