Chapter 10

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{Yay, I'm in double figures! Please leave comments and thoughts below!}

Liam's POV:

 "Who the fuck is Annie?" Danielle screeched, shoving me off her and grabbing her underwear. It took me a second to register my mistake. Holy crap. I had said Annie's name when I was making love to Danielle.

  "Babe, she's no one. I don't even know actually. The name just popped into my head!" I laughed, but my throat was so constricted it came out like a wheeze.

  "Bullshit!" She screamed. "Absolute bullshit!! I do not believe this Liam! I thought you fucking loved me! But no, you have moved on, haven't you?! Fucking hell!!" Danielle was crying at this point, and she was pulling her dress up over her underwear. My heart felt like it was breaking, twisting, contorting. I pulled on a pair of tracksuit bottoms and stood in front of the door so she couldn't leave.

  "I do love you Danielle! I love you so much that it kills me!! It's killing me!!" I shouted, I needed her to know that I was still in love with her. I needed her to believe me! "It will always be you and it always has been you! I love you!" I couldn't be more clear about my feelings, but Danielle wasn't buying it, and it broke my heart. Her beautiful cheeks were wet with tears and she refused to look at me.

  "Just let me go Liam, please." She whispered, and sounded utterly broken. I crossed my arms over my chest and spaced my feet apart.

  "No. I need to explain-"

  "I'm so done with this! Now I see why we broke up! We blamed it on our careers but it was us that was, is, the problem. We are toxic Liam, and somewhere along the line, we got bored. I got bored. I need a man Liam, not a boy." Her words weakened me and my knees gave way. I crumpled to the floor, her words echoing inside my head. She didn't even glance at me as she stormed out of the room.

  I couldn't let her walk away from me. Not again.

  "Danielle! Wait, please! I'm so sorry! Dan, please hear me out! Babe!" I yelled, my voice breaking at the end. I noticed that Louis was on the phone, my phone, and he was staring at me. The others were in the lounge and eating their chinese. They were also staring. I didn't get to the door fast enough. She was already at the road when I caught up with her and grabbed her arm. She whirled around to face me and her palm made contact with my cheek. I staggered backwards and cupped my face, my cheek stinging and tears seeing out of the corners of my eyes. Danielle, who I was making love to not 10 minutes ago, had just slapped me! How did this go so badly wrong? Oh, yeah, it was my fault. I said the wrong name.

  "Don't you ever touch me or come near me again, do you hear me?" Danielle whispered, her voice full of anger and sadness. A voice I had never heard. "I am so done with you and your childish band. The only reason I came here tonight was because you were becoming more successful and I thought that maybe there would be some expensive presents coming my way if I forced myself to love you. But I don't love you, and I doubt I ever will!" She sneered, before hailing a taxi and driving away from me.

  She never loved me.

 She never loved me.

She never loved me.

 I hauled myself back inside the house, feeling numb and empty inside. I needed to be alone, to think freely and to mend my broken heart.

  "Liam?" It was Louis. He stood in front of me and peered into my eyes. Then he pulled me into a bro hug and patted me on the back. This should feel weird but I can't help relaxing into it. I heard a strangled sound that seemed to echo around the whole house, but I realized that it was me sobbing. I pulled myself together and shrugged out of Louis' hug. He smiled at me sympathetically.

  "Annie called while you were with Danielle." Louis whispered. My ears pricked at Annie's name and my heart skipped a beat. That was odd. I thought Danielle had just destroyed it.

  "What did she want?" I asked despite my heartbroken state.

  "I don't know, she never said. She asked for you though. Maybe you should text her or something?"

  "It's just gone midnight, I think she'll be asleep." Harry called from the lounge.

  "Shut up, Haz. She might not be." Louis scolded, glazing at Harry in a way that said 'You're not helping'. I smiled at them all and took my plate of chinese that was sat on the kitchen counter. I thought I heard Niall curse as I took the food into my room and closed the door. Oh well, he eats enough as it is, don't want him getting fat.

  I found myself staring at my bed, and the next thing I knew I was ripping off the sheets and the blankets, and stuffing them into the laundry basket in the corner of the room. Once I was satisfied that I had removed any trace of her from my bed, I sat on the edge and devoured my now cold chinese. Then I dumped my plate on the floor and stuck my headphones on. It took me a couple of minutes to find a decent tune, and I settled on 'Contagious Chemistry' by You Me At Six. I closed my eyes and starting tapping my fingers to the rhythm as deep blue eyes flashed across my mind. Images of full red lips, pale cheeks, black converse and long mahogany hair filled my mind until I couldn't stand it anymore. I picked up my phone and sent  text to Annie. Resting my head back on my pillow, I waited nervously for her reply.

  Only a few minutes later, my phone vibrated and Annie's name flashed up. Despite my terrible day, I found myself smiling and confiding in her about my troubles. I didn't want her to know the extent of the damage that Danielle had caused in our relationship, so I kept the subject vague, telling Annie that we still has feelings but it was confusing and blah blah blah. When it was drawing towards 1:30am, I remembered Annie was still in college, so I drew the conversation to a close. I hesitated a good 3 minutes before I added a single kiss to the end of the message. I liked Annie, really liked her. I was just confused over Danielle and today's events, so it surprised me when Annie's goodnight text also has a single kiss at the end. Maybe she liked me too? No, she probably liked dark and mysterious guys who had lots of piercings and tattoos (although all of us, apart from baby Niall, had tats), and liked heavy metal.

I sighed, why did it feel like Annie and I were worlds apart one minute, but then the next minute, it felt like we understood each other completely? I sighed and switched off my phone, leaning back on my bare mattress, and letting the beautiful and heartfelt lyrics of Ed Sheeran fill my mind and lull me to sleep.

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