Chapter 4

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I need to get out of here.

I need to get out of here.

I need to get out of here.

 I certainly didn't want to break down right here, right now. Because that's what would happen if I stayed a moment longer. I saw Liam's gaze travel around my body, settling last on my hands trying to tug down my sleeves. He saw them. He must have. My heart started beating even more rapidly and I spun around, charging through the door to escape the stuffy surroundings of Nandos and the penetrating gaze of Liam Payne.

  I need to get out of here.

  I was aware of the door opening behind me so I wasted no time. Running as fast as I could, I escaped the deserted street and exited onto the main road. The evening was just setting in which meant rush hour. Taxi's, buses, cyclists, pedestrians all fighting to get home in time for dinner. I would be on the school bus in a traffic jam right about now, being tormented by everyone around me. Instead, I'm running around the streets of London without a clue where I am, and trying to escape the breakdown that is inevitable. Oh, and did I mention that Liam Payne from One Direction is chasing after me? No? Well, that's happening.

  I darted down a dark alleyway, never a good place for a broken, seventeen year old girl, but where else can I hide from the world? I crouched down in the shadows and let the tears fall, the memories invade my mind.


  "Annie, your hair has grown so long now! I'm totally jealous!" Isabel exclaimed, flicking her slightly shorter auburn hair over her shoulder.

  "Don't be stupid, have you seen the amount of split ends? Anyway, I would so love to have your hair. The colour is so beautiful!" It's true, I have always been envious of Isabel's hair, even when we were just six years old. She was a natural beauty.

  "Guys! I've just found a load of One Direction music on Youtube! Any requests??"

  And there was my other best friend, Chloe. She was the barbie of the group, waist length, ice blonde hair with sparkling blue eyes and an hourglass figure. All of the boys adored her, and she loved to be adored. Deep down though, she was still the little girl who had come up to me in primary school and asked to be friends, the girl who sleeps over my house at least twice a week and eats cookie dough ice cream with me. I have always been closer to Chloe than I have with Isabel. Maybe it's just because Isabel fancies my older brother Michael. But then, almost every girl does. Apart from Chloe, and that's why she is my best-best friend.

  "How about their cover of Torn? It's magical" Isabel sighed, clutching at her heart and swooning onto my four-poster bed. We all giggled and soon it was blaring out of my laptop on top volume and we were all dancing around my room like lunatics.

  None of us heard the phone ring.

  None of us heard my Mum's tortured cry when she learned that my Dad and my brother has been instantly killed in a head on collision with a lorry. They were in that collision because they were coming home early from their fishing trip. You want to know why they were coming home early? Because it was my sixteenth birthday the next day and they wanted to surprise me. 

  But we all saw my Mum's tear stained, white face as she entered my room, telling Chloe and Isabel to leave, and telling me that she had bad news.

  And that's when my world fell apart around me.

  *Present day*

  I slumped back, hitting my head on the brick wall of some building behind me, after reliving one of the most painful memories of my life. I couldn't stop the tears that cascaded down my cheeks like waterfalls, nor could I stop the all-consuming sobs that hacked out of my throat and rocked my body. I couldn't stop my hands and they started ripping out my messy bun, and try to rip out my hair.

  But he could.

  I was aware of a strong arm around my shoulders, pulling me close. I was so weak that I couldn't protest, I couldn't protect myself. But it turns out that I didn't need to. A pair of strong hands gently removed my hands from my now knotted hair and folded them in my lap. Then, a soft tissue was placed in them. I hastily wiped my eyes and blew my nose, determined to cover up this sign of weakness, and determined to fight whoever this was. I was all alone in a big city. I was vulnerable. But I was a fighter. I launched myself up out of this man's grasp and whirled around to face my attacker. Instead of seeing a dirty, foul looking man with a leering smile plastered on his face and a wicked gleam in his eye, I saw Liam with his hands up and those adorable eyes wide open.

  I don't think my heart can take any more erratic beating. I felt myself relax, hands lowering, the fierce expression leave my face. I felt stupid and even more alone that ever, and Liam seemed to sense this.

  "Hey, are you okay? I'm not going to hurt you, don't be afraid." He whispered gently, taking tentative steps towards me, his arms stretched out ever so slightly. I took a moment to appreciate the view. He was wearing a white shirt with a black leather jacket, and dark blue tight jeans with white converse high-tops. His amazing chocolate eyes were cautious, and he approached me like someone would approach a dangerous, scared animal. But then again, I was just about to attack him, and I probably looked like an animal with my hair in the state it was in. I actually feel sorry for the poor guy, having to see me like this. And having to pick up the pieces.

  "Thanks for the tissue." I murmured, unable to meet his steady gaze.

  "Anytime." I looked up and he was smiling at me. Not in a mocking way, but in a really kind, almost caring way. I remembered when I used to be the biggest fan of One Direction and I used to keep track of all their news and music updates. Liam was my favourite. And now he was leading me out of the alleyway by my hand, and offering to pay for me to eat with the band at Nandos. Life couldn't get any better right now. Chloe and Isabel will be so jealous when I tell th- No! I wasn't that girl anymore. I've changed. I'm different. That girl has one forever and is never, ever coming back.

  "No thanks, I'll just get a taxi back home." I heard myself decline his offer. Was it me or did he look a little crestfallen? I had probably hit my head too hard on that brick wall.

  "Okay, well at least let me give you some money for the fare."

  Before I could object, he placed in my hands a bundle of £10 notes and a piece of paper. It was his phone number. I looked up in shock, but he was already walking back to Nandos, hands in his pockets, looking completely gorgeous.

  I shook my head to clear my jumbled and incredibly confusing thoughts, and got into the taxi.

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