Chapter 16

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Annie's POV:

I was vaguely aware of an arm around my stomach, and a body cradling me. Turning over slowly, I came face-to-face with Liam Payne form One Direction. How did this happen? I fell back onto my pillows with a sigh as I remembered the events of last night and how cruel my Mum was to me. How  could she say all of those things? I understand that I've been really down lately, but I'm being bullied as well. I keep forgetting that Mum doesn't know about that.

"Ugh." Liam groaned from beside me, moving closer and resting his head on my chest.

"Um, Liam?" I tried to get his attention, completely frozen. The boy was crushing my boobs here!

"Liam, move!" I said more urgently, tugging on his short hair and slapping him in the middle of his back. Nothing was working.

"Liam James Payne!" I yelled with force in my voice. The poor boy looked like a rabbit in headlights, and shot up into a sitting position.

"Jesus, did you want to give me a heart attack?" He complained, stretching out his muscles.

"It's not my fault you're a heavy sleeper." I retorted, finally relaxing as it didn't feel like there was a large truck parked on my chest anymore.

I flipped the bed covers back and sat on the edge, stretching and yawning. Standing up, I felt a rush of blood to my head and I wobbled on my feet.

"Annie! Are you okay?" Liam rushed over to me and gripped me by the elbows to prevent me from falling.

"Y-yeah I'm fine. That always happens in the morning." I laughed lightly, brushing it off. Liam's eyebrows furrowed in concern.

"Well it shouldn't." He told me sternly. 

It was only then that I realized how close our faces were. Our noses were almost touching and his breath was tickling my cheeks. I raised my eyes to meet his chocolate ones and my breath hitched.

"I-I should..g-go downstairs..." I whispered, captivated by this man.

"You should..." He murmured, his nose brushing mine in an eskimo kiss. 

I took in a deep shaky breath and stared at his full lips. They were a beautiful shade of pink, and I wanted them on me. I blushed at the direction of my thoughts and cleared my head, taking a step to the side and hurrying over to the door.

"Race you to the pancakes!" I yelled over my shoulder to lighten the mood, before tugging open the door and stumbling down the stairs.

"Woah there, someone's eager." A raspy voice greeted me at the bottom of the stairs, and two large hands steadied me by my shoulders. I looked up into Harry's green eyes and smiled.

"I'm racing Liam to the pancakes, and right now I'm going to lose!" I explained in a rush, as I saw Liam sprint past me and towards the direction of the kitchen. I tore myself out of Harry's grip and legged it to the kitchen.

"Noooooo!" I yelled as I saw Liam stagger into the kitchen and move towards the plate of steaming pancakes. Thinking quickly, I launched myself onto his back and wrapped my legs around his waist.

"It seems that Liam has acquired himself a monkey." Louis told Zayn as they left the kitchen, smirking at us.

"You might want to l-loosen your grip around my neck..?" Liam suggested. I giggled, realizing how tight my hold was on him.

"Sorry!" I sang, reaching around him to grab a pancake. Using my non-existent athletic skills, I secured the food between my teeth and shimmied down Liam's back. Once I was safely on the ground, I directed a cheeky grin over to Liam before taking a huge bite out of the pancake. 

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