Chapter 9

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Annie's POV:

 Things were getting better now. Tonight was the first night that I hadn't cried or cut myself or screamed into my pillow. I know that it's Liam and the boys who have made this change in me, who comforted me today and put me back together after what those bullies had said to me. What they had said about my Dad and my brother. I shuddered and curled up into a ball on my small bed. What was Liam doing right now? What was he thinking? Was he thinking of me? No, impossible. Who am I to him? Ignoring my internal debate, I grabbed my phone from the bedside table and found myself dialing his number. It rang for a few times before someone picked up.


  "Hi, is this Liam?" It didn't sound like him at all. In fact, it sounded like-

  "Nope, this is Louis. Who is calling?"

  Why is Louis answering Liam's phone? I chewed the inside of my cheek, debating whether I should hang up or explain that I was craving Liam in general. Screw it.

  "Oh! Hi Louis, it's Annie!" I forced myself to sound happy and upbeat, but it was obvious that my supposed joy was entirely fake. There was silence on the other end and I began to wonder if the connection had broken.

  "Hello? Are you still there? Louis?"

  "Sorry, it's, Liam's busy right now." Louis stammered into the phone. He sounded strange and I couldn't place my finger on it. Just then, I heard some very faint background noise.

  "Danielle! Wait, please! I'm so sorry! Dan, please hear me out! Babe!" It was Liam and he sounded utterly broken.

  "Louis! What's going on?" I hissed, "And who is Danielle?"

  "Um, sorry Annie our chinese food has just arrived. Have a nice night!"

  "Lou-" but the line had gone dead. I stared at my phone in disbelief. Louis had just hung up on me! What had happened that he had to leave so urgently. And who the hell was Danielle? I sighed and rolled my eyes at myself. I was being so stupid, why did Liam's life matter to me? And who was I to ask questions about people, celebrities, who I barely knew? It was ridiculous. I grabbed my pajamas and went to take a shower.

  When I came out of the bathroom, I heard glass smashing downstairs and strangled sobs that came from my mother. I desperately wanted to go down and comfort her, but experience of doing just that put me off. I can remember the last time I comforted her and it wasn't pretty.

  I sat at my desk and tried to make a start on my English, then Geography, then Economics and finally Physics homework. The list was endless. My long hair was drenched from my shower and soaked my pajama top as I left it to dry naturally. I put my pen to paper and began to write. I power worked through my English and Geography, and when I was just about to start Economics, my phone started buzzing. I leaned back in my chair and glanced at my alarm clock. The digital numbers told me that it was almost 1am. I stretched, enjoying the heavenly feeling of my muscles loosening up, and then checked my phone. Liam had texted me. Confused and wary, I opened the message.

  ~Liam~ Hey Annie :)

  What was he texting me for? I hastily replied, my fingers bumping into each other in anticipation.

  ~Annie~ It's almost 1am, why are you still awake?

  Only a couple of seconds later, my phone buzzed again. I sighed and flipped off my light. I snuggled under my duvet and lay on my side, my legs curled up in a comfortable position.

  ~Liam~ I couldn't sleep, what's your excuse?

  I smiled as I hit reply.

  ~Annie~ I was doing homework. Why couldn't you sleep, if you don't mind me asking?

  ~Liam~ Sounds fun :P And I've had a really bad day.

  My face fell. We had all hung out today, and that made it bad? Didn't he like hanging out with me? As if he read m mind, another text popped up from him.

  ~Liam~ It wasn't bad because I hung out with you though, that was great! It was just what happened when we got home.

  Curiosity got the better of me.

  ~Annie~ What happened when you got home?

  ~Liam~ My ex-girlfriend paid me a visit.

  Oh, Danielle! That's who it was! I heard him calling her babe and it sounded like he was pleading with her. He obviously still had feelings for her if he called her 'babe'.

  ~Annie~ Oh. So you guys are back together?

  My heart sank as I waited for his reply. I didn't realize that I has feelings for him until now. The thought of another girl with him made my skin crawl. I was jealous of Danielle, and I had absolutely no reason to be. I'm sure that she's an amazing woman and very nice, but I couldn't help these feelings of dislike aimed towards her.

  ~Liam~ No, well maybe...I don't know. We had a moment today and we admitted that we still had feelings for each other. I really want to make it work between us, but there's something in the way.

  Every word that I read was like a knife twisting in my stomach. God, this is pathetic! I seriously needed to get a grip. I had completely pushed these boys out of my mind, deliberately, and here I was thinking I had a claim over one of them. Stupid.

  ~Annie~ Oh? What's in the way? Anyway, if you guys are in love then you should be able to work it out.

  Was I actually crying as I typed this? I needed to get a grip, and fast. I don't want to sink back into that depression again.

  ~Liam~ It doesn't matter. Like you said, we'll work it out. Thanks for the advice :) You have college tomorrow, you should get some sleep! Goodnight Annie x

  He put a kiss on the end!! I smiled in spite of myself and my heart flipped.

  ~Annie~ Yeah, you will :) And you're welcome. Goodnight x

  I pressed send and nervously waited for a reply. When Liam didn't text back, I turned my phone off and tossed it onto a heap of clothes on the floor and rolled over so I faced my wall. Squeezing my eyes shut, I pictured a pair of chocolate brown eyes. But they kept flickering and changing green.

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