Chapter 22

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Liam's POV:

It had been one week since it happened. One long, torturous week with the same picture plastered on the front covers of all the newspapers and magazines in print. One week since my girlfriend kissed her ex at some stupid party. I had a bad feeling that evening but I chose to ignore it because I wanted Annie to have some fun, god knows she deserved it. I just wasn't planning on her having that much fun. What makes it worse is that I was really starting to fall for her, I had our first date planned and everything. I was going to take her to a little place in the country not far from here, and we were going to have a picnic and listen to her favourite songs while watching the sunset. I was even planning on singing to her just to add more romance to it. Cheesy, I know, but I wanted her to feel special. Now that's all gone to shit.

"Liam?" Her damn voice pulled me out of my thoughts and I looked towards her from my seat on the sofa.

She had  moved into Zayn's empty room since I wasn't ready to have her sleep in my bed just yet, not after she hurt me like that. I know I'm probably being a douche right now but I had just got over Danielle and then Annie comes along ruins me. And why did she have to look so good in the morning? She stood on the bottom step of the stairs in and oversized navy jumper paired with black skinny jeans and some grey fluffy socks. Since winter was drawing in, the house was colder and so the tip of her nose was a shade of light pink. I just wanted to walk over to her and hug her, but the image of her and that guy invades my mind and I feel like a bucket of cold water has been splashed in my face.

"What do you want?" I asked, bringing the bottle of beer up to my lips. It was never too early for drinking.

"I was actually hoping we could talk?" She fiddled with the hem of her jumper nervously while I sighed and returned my attention to the football game on the TV.

"I'm not in the mood right now." I dismiss her, hoping that she'll just leave me alone.

"Well, you're going to have to be in the mood!" She suddenly yelled, grabbing the remote off the coffee table and switching off the TV. 

"I was watching that if you hadn't noticed!" I tried not to raise my voice at her but she wasn't making it easy.

"Yeah I did notice but suck it up because you're damn well going to listen to what I have to say!" She was screaming by this point and I was glad the boys had gone out to the gym, or else the police would probably be on their way by now.

"Well sorry but I don't really want to hear about how my girlfriend kissed another guy! And not just another guy, but her ex-boyfriend!" I yelled, standing up from the sofa so I was facing her. She needed to know how bad she made me feel.

"If you actually listened to what I had to say, you would know that I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, Liam! Please, just let me explain!" She pleaded, and I could see tears forming in the corners of her eyes.

"Annie I don't have time for it, and I don't want to hear it. If you want to bleat your feelings to someone, I'm sure that Blake guy is more than willing. Oh, and maybe you can actually fuck him this time seeing as the paps ruined your opportunity last-" I was cut off with a loud smack across my face.

"You bastard! I was never going to have sex with him, don't you get it? The kiss was a mistake! It didn't mean anything to me, and you know why? Because I'm with you and also because I got over Blake a long time ago! You need to understand, I want you, not him!" Annie shouted at me, grasping my hand and holding it tightly, almost begging.

"I don't know what you want from me, do you want me to forgive you? Because I can't right now, I need to sort my head out. Annie, if you'd got over Blake then why did you kiss him? Why did you ruin what we had? I thought you were better than that." I said quietly, still holding on to her hand. I want so badly to forgive her, to hold her in my arms and kiss away the pain. But I just can't, the trust has been broken and it's a long process to build it back up again.  I don't want to fall for her if she won't be there to catch me.

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