Chapter 1: Being stabbed does'nt hurt that much

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'ah. This is it, isn't it? I'm dying.'

So basically everyone lied to me. They said it would be painful when you died from being murdered. but honestly I did not feel even a single bee sting. Maybe I'm just the weird one. How would they know how it feels to die? well, whatever. I guess I'm just in a state of shock that the pain just did not register and then finally, without even feeling anything, I...croaked. It was a quick and painless death.

How did it come to this? like I said I was M-U-R-D-E-R-E-D.

Well technically, I was mistakenly murdered. Someone mistook me for someone and then killed me.
what do you mean you dont understand?
what do you I'm not making sense?
what do you mean Im stupid?!
what do you mean Im not explaining it right? what do you mean by I should get on with it?

well if you really must know how I dropped dead, I guess I should start from the beginning. I am- was Kristin Jane Jones and I was an ordinary student on her very last year of college in XXX University. I had average looks and a short stature. I was from a well of family and my parents were happily married. I had a bestfriend, Katy, who I was very close to, so much so that we went to the same college together. We treated each other like sisters but now that I think it, she was the sole reason I was now dead. Oh but it was not like she was the one who stabbed me. Someone else did it and it was her stalker. A week before I was murdered Katy kept receiving weird and creepy love notes. We dismissed it and thought that it was just from a secret admirer albeit a creepy one but nonetheless harmless. Three day after the incident however, Katy kept receiving phone calls from an unknown number but the caller would not respond except for heavy breathing. Plus the love notes kept multiplying and in addition (heh, Im good at math arent I? haha. okay I'll stop now) strange gifts were now added into the mix. For example, a black funeral dress with a note that said "I bought this since I thought it would look good on you. I hope you would wear it" ha yeah? on her death bed maybe. Another one was a set of dolls but the heads were ripped off. There were many others like dead cats, dry leaves and a dead boquet, a manikin who look just like Katy only that the part of the chest where the heart is supposed to be is cut out. Each present was worse than the last. Oh but this one takes the cake, a cutely wrapped gift box but when we opened it... inside was a pinky finger. There was still fresh blood on it but the note attached was the one that really freaked Katy out.
" In some cultures, the pinky is said to be where the string of fate is attached to. I am giving you mine so that my fate is yours just as yours is mine. That is a promise. I will see you soon."
We called the police but since they did not see anyone suspicious they just said that they would post someone nearby so that when we are in trouble they would be just a shout away. We agreed but Katy was still shaken up about the note. It was the first he mentioned something about "visiting" so to console her I proposed that I should sleep in her room tonight.

"Katy, just endure it for tonight. we will be graduating tomorrow and then finally move out of here. He wont ever find you where we are going. Just relax what could possibly go wrong."

Now that I look back on it, what I said in that moment was probably my death flag.

So that night, just as we had planned, I slept in Katy's room. I think it was around midnight or around 3 o' clock that I felt Katy was no longer beside me. She was probably in the bathroom which was always her habit everynight. She really can't hold her bladder. So I continued to sleep with the blanket over my head. A few minutes after, a heavy weight fell on the bed. I guess Katy was done but what felt weird was she whisperring something. I caught vague words " fin..mine" . What was even more weird is that her voice was deep and masculine. Maybe that was my cue to wake up but the allure of sleep was just too hard to pass that I ignored the nagging voice screaming at me to wake up. Hah, that was probably-still is- the worst decision I made in my life because the next thing I knew a big kitchen knife was sticking in my heart. Then finally multiple stabs were made in my stomach, then my face and eyes were poked by a pocket knife. At that point I was already knocking on death's door. My body was mutilated. I did not even get the chance to scream. What happened to human rights huh?? the last thing I heard was Katy screaming (thank god she did) and the cops came rushing in. Then a gun was fired which signalled the end of the creepy stalker guy and for me. Then everything faded to black(haha bleach).

Dying was just like falling asleep for a veeery long time one where you can never wake up from.

' I wonder how everyone is doing right now.'

'haaah. it's so boring here.'

You might be wondering why I am so indifferent about all of this. No? well whatever I'm just gonna tell you anyway.

I don't know, I don't feel anything in particular. I'm not angry nor upset that I died. I don't even feel regret. I am just empty like the place I am in right now. So vast a space but so dark and empty. I never knew heaven could be so forlorn and boring( I'm assuming that I would be sent to heaven since I was a pretty decent person). Where are the fluffy clouds and the angels? Meh, whatever since this is heaven then this is heaven. Who am I to judge? I would just lay here and wait for the angels and God to show themselves.

I don't know how long time has pass, it could be how many years or just mere minutes but I feel like I am in water, just floating. I just let the current take me wherever it will take me.

Suddenly, out of nowhere my head was like being grabbed which hurts so much that I started to cry. The hands were dragging to the light which suddenly appeared like a
door opening for the first time. The hands, I think theyre hands, tightened their hold on my head as I neared the light. I kept yelling for them to stop but strangely only unintelligible words kept escaping my mouth. Have I lost the ability to speak? at this moment I could now hear people talking. I could'nt understand what they were saying but that did not stop me from telling them to stop hurting me. Again gibberish only left my mouth and I felt so helpless that I started crying. Just when I started giving up I was finally lead outside of the light. The moment I got out, I felt so relieved that my crying stopped. Cloth was wrapped around my body and I was placed on the arms of a woman who so big I felt like she was a giant. She had a big head and big body but she was not fat in fact she was beautiful. Her face was covered in sweat but she still was stunning and she was holding me so effortlessly. Is she not tired? I am too heavy aren't I? Then the next thing I knew was that I was taken from the woman's arms and was then carried by a man. He was handsome and tall. He said something but I couldnt understand. The only word I caught was "papa." Hahaha for a minute there I thought this guy was saying he was my papa.

Hahahahaha. ha...ha..huuuh!?

Eeeeeh?! so thats it is'nt it? they are not giants but in fact I was the one who became small. I was reborn? I'm a baby?

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