Chapter 6: So its a date

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1 week later

Hello there everyone! Still remember me? I am Raena Sanders and I... I'm a talking vegetable.

What lead me to that conclusion?


"what?! I've been sleeping for three days?"

The news did not sit with me well. Just how serious of a fall did I take to make me sleep that long?

"Well yes, the doctor even said that there was a slight chance that you would be in a comatose for a week, even a month or worse, a year. Its a miracle you woke up only after three days."

"And you've been here the entire time?"

"Yes. Who else would look after you? papa and mama were busy. They could only come after work. ( and it was my fault after all)"

This both touched me and worried me. Rowen was with me day and night. I don't know if he ate properly or had any sleep in that time but looking at him now, I know he did not. So doing what anyone would do, I forcefully made my brother to lie next to me by yanking him from his sit.

"It was technically not all your fault. It was an accident onii so dont blame yourself."

After I said that, I gingerly sat up straight and while clutching my IV, I proceded to walk towards the table filled with fruits of all kinds with the intention of serving my brother food.

"Rae where are you going?"

"you just stay there... I'll be right back."

Just as I was "proceding" gravity failed on me. I then heard a nasty crack and I fell for the second time.
'geez, why does the floor like me so much?'


"Rae!! What the heck are you doing?!"

I looked down to see that my knee down to my feet was wrapped up in plaster. This was the reason of my inability to stand and thus also the cause of my fall. Apperantly, I seemed to have a fractured leg and my older brother also seemed to have forgotten to inform me about it.

"Big brother... help me..."

Upon my request, Rowen immediately went to work and carried me back to bed; For a boy his age he sure was strong.

After being placed on the bed, I looked up to him and for whatever reasons I started bawling my heart out.

"wah... eh?? wait... Why are you crying Rae?" Rowen said clearly in a panic by my sudden outburst of tears.

"because... I wanted to let you rest...but instead..instead I... I can't serve you.. plus my leg freakin hurts..."

" Just let it be Rae... Its okay now... Now that youre awake, I won't have to worry and skip out on sleep and food anymore."

" youre saying its my fault? Waaah... hic... wah..."

"Nononoo.. oh no stop crying Rae..."



So now that I am currently unable to use my appendages, I am a sitting duck, literally. My butt is always glued to this damned wheel chair.

It has been 7 days since my release and quite frankly being a human vegetable is really really draining even if you did absolutely nothing.

And when I had to do something, I couldnt do it without it being troublesome. Baths were now by wet towels cause the cast was not supposed to get wet. I had not taken a proper bath for how many days now and I tell you, having greasy hair is not okay. When I want to go to bed someone had to carry me to the bed. I couldnt go up the stairs (not that I wanted to, I have now an irrational fear of them, Im a stairaphobia.)

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