Chapter 10 part 2

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"Red. You really are gullible. It's actually kinda cute."

As soon as he said those words, I instantly regret the little sympathy I felt towards him. Evil! this kid is evil!

He had quickly seized the oppurtunity to straddle me and moved his now free hand to my mouth to stop me from screaming.


His other hand was now above my head as he supported himself. His face was but an inch away from mine and I tried hard in vain to push him away from me. But alas the strength of a child was so lacking that I barely made him budge.

"Hear me out and I'll let you go. You can go home if you help me."

He whispered so softly that I could barely hear him. It was as if he was afraid someone might hear. If his face was not so close to mine, I would not have heard what he was saying.

'What was he on about now? he straddles me and then asks for my cooperation? what is wrong with him!'

It was like his whole personality took a 180 degree turn and he acted completely different now. The previous attitude was nowhere to be seen and now his eyes looked to be pleading with me.

"You won't get out of here unless I help you. So either we help each other or youre on your own."

I mustered all my strength and removed the hand covering my mouth. Blegh! how many times have people put their hands in my mouth?

"One, how do I know youre telling the truth. Two, how do I know youre not just trying to use me and three, what the hell is really going on here and why am I in this mess! "

He was the young master of this rich househould why would he run away? I can guess this was not just a rebellious phase or a childish means to get attention. He seriously considered running away, but why?

As I have inferred, the patriarch of this family has got something to do with it. The "perverted old man" ,as he had put it, had done something to make him want to escape but what?

Making guesses was not gonna get me anywhere. So asking the person involved himself was just the right thing to do.

With that intention in mind, I looked him straight in the eyes and seriously asked,

"I'll consider your offer but you have to tell me everything."

He looked taken aback but then hurriedly composed himself; It was as if he couldnt believe that I would consider his words after all that he did to me.

"*sigh* Guess it can't be helped then."

Then he proceded to tell me everything. I may not know if his words were true but at least it can't hurt to try and understand him.

He told me a story from a long time ago about a girl who was all alone in the world.
This girl was a great beauty but from a great twist of fate she was orphaned from a young age. That was when a kind hearted couple took her in as their daughter. This family treated the girl especially well since the family's blood line rarely ever had girls. They gave her everything money could buy. There was nothing a girl could ever hope for but she never took advantage of their kindness. Instead she remained forever grateful to the family and did everything she could to show it.

Before the girl, the couple already had a son, who like his parents, treated the beautiful girl as his own sibling. He loved her very much and in every opportunity would spoil her. As they grew older, he came to realize that what he felt towards her was not the love meant for a sibling but for a lover. Nevertheless, this never stopped him from giving everything to her, material wise. It came to a point where he became obsessed with her. He hindered and sabotage any man that would approach her much to the annoyance of his sister. Realizing his feelings for her, the girl distanced herself from her foster family and eventually met a man who gave her great happiness and then later got married.

Bitter and outraged, the boy, who was now a man, did everything he could to ruin their lives but, by the girl's desperate plea, stopped eventually. However, this did not meant he gave up.

Later on, the man married the woman of his family's choice and had a son. The man never loved his wife but doted on the son very much so. A few years later, he heard the news of his beloved sister having a daughter and the once weak flame was rekindled again after so many years. The man thought: "Maybe I never had a chance at happiness, but maybe my son will."
Crazy as it is, the girl also felt bad for her step brother and also agreed. So from then on an agreement was made. His son would come to marry his beloved's daughter or so that was how it was supposed to be. When the son, however, found out, he was disgusted all over. Not sharing his father's sick fantasies, he runaway from home hoping to escape everything; not even imagining that he would end up accidentally meeting his soon-to-be little wife.

".... Growing up, I felt that I had everything but now I know it was all just a show... The dad I once thought was a very good man was anything but fatherly. All for the sake of everything now, he... He dragged you into this and for that Im very sorry."

After he recounted the story, I felt creeped out all over. What kind of father would do that to his own child. Any man, decent, sane or insane should have atleast a bit of love to his son. But I guess he did show his love, in the most absurd way possible but I guess that was the most he could do. Why am I even dragged into this mess?! And my mom?! She's readily giving me away as a daughter- in- law to her step brother?!

My step uncle per se is crazy, that is a no brainer, however, as I see it, Lucas is making a very simple problem in to a big matter. If you ask me, what is this brat being so dramatic for?

"Youre confusing me though. You speak as though youre an old man who has lived his life full of burdens. In fact, going against the wishes of his parents would be the last thing any child would do; In the case of me, that would also be true too."

"So what youre saying is that we should just go along with this insane idea?!"

"Yes. I don't see any problem. Society today readily accepts this kinds of things anyway."

"Do you know what youre saying? Youre gonna have to... have to..."

" Have to what? marry you? What is wrong with that? Listen, Lucas youre overthinking this. What sane priest is gonna bless the marriage between two toddlers? Even if our family waits for us to grow up, the promise may never hold true since were both gonna be with different people then. Going along may be the only option now if you want to live annoyance free."

After listening to my opinion, Lucas had now a profound look on his face as if a big thorn was pulled out from his back.

"Heh, you talk like youre so sure of yourself."

"Of course, I'm older than I look."



"I-I mean Im a child genius so of course my words would be wise... haha...ha...ha."

"So what do we do now?"

After he asks me that, I hastily and readily shared to him my plan which I came up with all this time. Hey! I am not as useless as you all think! Sitting idly by was always not in the plan.

Waiting for my older brobro to rescue was also not in the plan; Yes, I know he'll come and get me but I'm a strong independent woman and I can handle this myself....

Is what I'd like to say but you know, after all that happened *ahem*, never mind.

So until rescue comes, I'll make do.

"... when the goons come to take us to your father, just play along okay?"

"Okay red."

Hey! I updated na.
Sorry it took too long, a whole semester hahaha. I just had to do it you know? Balancing school was hard. Do you know how crazy I was during this time!? Land Surveying is not easy!

Eh bakit ba kasi nag engineering kung d mo naman kaya! bakit nga ba! nganu man! stupid brain. Anong pumasok sa utak mo na nagengineering man ka!? Oh well, wa nakoy mabuhat kay bawal na magshift ko.

Sorry about that. Nevermind if you don't understand the above. However, good news though, since I'm now on christmas vacation I'll update often during this time.

Again sorry for the delay and thank you for understanding.

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