Chapter 3: threes bien

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2 years later

I, Raena Sanders, am now 3 three years old.

Seeing as I still cannot fully ennact my avoid-a-death-end plan when I was still a year old, I bided my time and now here I am, a three year toddler. I could now do a lot more things without the help of anyone. I have now freedom of movement. Turning 3 marks the beginning of operation:  save myself from being stabbed with a death flag.

hmm? what is this plan? then allow me to ellaborate. The following are thorough steps that are vital for my well being and peaceful second life. To ensure that the prince does'nt end me and I don't ruin my life and anyone, especially the heroine's, for that matter, the following should be followed.

1. Avoid the prince

2. Get a high education

3. Get on the good side of everyone especially those who helped in ending TV Raena's life.

4. anything left unsaid or anything else missed in the list should be added later.

Among the list only number one is still yet to be done cuz I still haven't met Luke yet. Number 2 is a work in progress. I told mama and papa that I wanted an early education and they just stared dumbly at me. Well who could blame them, their 3 year old child wanted to go to school earlier than other kids. Even that sound weird to me now that I look back at it. I mean, what kid in their right mind would love to go to school early? but still, they granted me my request, only that they gave me a home tutor. I wanted to go to a real school but they said it was still to early for me. Well education is still education no matter in what form plus Miss Cyndy was not so bad in fact she taught me a lot of things. It turns out she was a well rounded person. I can now play the violin and the piano thanks to her. I know many classical music now from Bach to Chopin to Mozart to Beethoven, I can play most of their compositions but not all of it. Miss Cyndy also taught me ballet and mordern dances. I can do many great things now thanks to her education and thats a great achievement even for a three year old. As for academics, because I retained my previous memories, I am doing quite well. Miss Cyndy had really praised me since all my scores were pretty high on her tests even though it would "technically" be the first time I would come across such lessons (in my case it was not).

Since we covered all the grade school material, I asked her if she could teach me materials from middle school or higher even college if possible. Upon hearing this Miss Cyndy abruptly stood up and ran out of the study. I could'nt really describe the look on her face except for one word "deranged" or maybe "ecstatic." I would go for the former (haha just kidding. sorry Miss Cy). Anyway she really took her sweet time and did not return for 15 minutes now.

'Hmm, I wonder if she got lost.'
I would not blame her, navigating yourself in this mammoth of a house could really get you lost. Just as I thought of that I heard a really loud voice saying


'Heeeh? that sounded like Miss C, what was she on about??'

And speak of the devil, she finally came back with a really big goofy grin and a strange sparkle in her eyes.

"You are going to make your parents proud." - miss C

She said so while clutching my little hands into her big ones.

"oookaaaay??" - dumbfounded me

After that incident, lesson proceeded just as planned. We were now still in middle school material and I know I don't need to learn this but a little review can't hurt you know? In addition, there where some lessons different from when I was alive and its a good thing that I could learn something new.

As for part number 3 of my anti death plan, I'm still working on it.

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