chapter 12 part 1 new friendship

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I don't know what made me think that kids were little bundles of joy but boy was I truly wrong.

Today was the first day of classes for me, Raena Sanders.

I would be attendeding the kindergarten division in the same campus as my big brobro Rowen.

This school was an elite school that produced competent graduates that were highly sought after in many fields. Including but not limited to business, science and even the entertainment industry but it is mostly business. Since the students in this school are primarily would-be-heirs to their own family businesses in the future, they are trained here early for the management and development of their skills in the business industry. Even as early as an elementary student, all are required to take business related subjects.
This campus had and elevator system which means that starting from kindergarten you can move from level to level all the way to high school  provided of course that you finish every course on a level before moving on to the next.

Why am I not moving up to the next level then even though I'm capable, you ask?? Well, thats because I didn't want to start a ruckus and be like "look I'm a genius prodigy child who is all better and smarter than you big kids" no no no no no that would be a death flag people!

I also wanted to be looked at as normal by normal kid's standards and have friends who are technically the same age as me ( even though mentally I'll be like 26 or something) and you guys have to remember, this kids belong to rich families so of course some would be spoiled rotten, I have to mentally prepare myself so that I will not cause trouble for my family and myself in case I run into some big chicken's chick you get me?!

So, after hyping myself up I proceeded to open the car door, and together with Rowen, exited the car.

The moment we did, all eyes were upon us and the sea of students parted like the red sea. Grand entrance much?

" Ne,ne onii-sama, why are they staring at us??"

" hmm? It's probably because you're so cute, Rae. 😊"


Nice, you are such a big help bro.

"Look look its young master Rowen. How cool~~"

"Yeah, so handsome."

"But who is that midget beside him?"

'😡😡 I know I am.'

"She looks like a doll. How cute~"

"Maybe it's the little sister."

As we walked through the gates, people were openly disscussing and whispering their opinions about us. Wow, I never knew Rowen- nii was so popular.

As we neared the school building, Rowen was attacked from behind-

"Hey! What did you do that for Jared?!"

" Good morning Rowen!! my honey~~"

By none other than a boy his age who I'm guessing is my brother's friend.
Rowen shrugged off the arm that was slowly coiling around his shoulders.

"Wha- so mean!! You didn't miss me?!"

"If I could choose to see or not to see your smug ugly face again then I'd rather be blind."

" wah- you jerk you didn't even reply to my invitation for my over the summer get away! I even bought you a speedo 😣"

'Jared' said as he held up a bright cherry red speedo that was much closer to a thong than a speedo.

"The heck you bought me that for!!? Gross, get away from me."

"Wah~Rowen honey doesn't care!!"

"Shut up!!"

'Ah~I've been forgotten.'

Well, they seemed closed but I was kinda feeling left out. As they bantered and kid around I had a feeling I was forgotten, so sneakily saying bye to my brother I left the scene and made my way to the headmaster's office alone so I could be officially admitted. After that, my homeroom teacher for the rest of my school life led me to the class room were I would formally introduced myself to the rest of the class.

Oh did I forget to mention??

When the class moves up a level the homeroom  teacher also does. These teachers are also highly competent because they have to be. To produce graduates that are successful while also elevating the status of the school, of course teachers also have to be much more- how do I say this... Extra special.

Sensei's name was Jean. It was read as 'John'. He had an accent whenever he spoke and he was my foreign language teacher. He was nice to me and was pretty easy going.
   When we entered the noisy classroom, it went quiet and all eyes were on me. Mr. Jean wanted me to introduce myself to the class and I did so promptly.

Giving a little curtsy, I introduced myself as such:
" Good day everyone, my name is Raena Cathrese Sanders. I hope that from today onwards we can get along well."

After finishing my introduction I bowed and as I looked towards my classmates, I saw that they were only staring at me, not so much as an acknowledgement.

"Okay miss Sanders, you can seat next to... Leo-kun. Can you please raise your hand."


'Leo-kun? Oh..'

As I looked towards where the sound of that quiet voice came from, I saw a red- haired boy  whose arm was covered in bandages and an eyepatch was covering his eye. I wonder what happened to him. Is it chuunibyo??

I walked toward his seat which was in the backrow and sat next to him.

Turning towards him, I wanted to introduce myself again since I wanted to get along but when I saw him, he was holding his arm as if he was hurt. His face was grimacing in pain and I cound'nt help but worry.

" Are you alright? Is your arm hurting?"

" No, I'm fine.. thank you..."

"Oh, are you sure? We can ask teacher Jean to get you to the infermary if its really hurting you??"

" it's okay.."

And he went silent after that. He was not even looking at me but was still caressing his bandaged arm. This Leo kid

Oi, should'nt this be a big problem a kid is in pain and everyone not even the teacher is  paying attention.

When the bell rang signaling lunch, I was still worriedly looking at my new deskmate that I didn't even pay any attention to a single word of the lesson. Speaking of which that kid up and ran from the classroom the minute the bell rang leaving me here still a little anxious about him.

Why am I so stuck on him you ask?
Its because of the moe~~ I can't help myself he was just so adorable like a- how do I put this- like a... kitten marshmellow. It awoke the mother inside me that I instinctively had to protect the cinnamon bun.

I was to stand up and look for him when a girl with pig tails stopped me in my tracks.

"Leo-kun is a weirdo it's best that you don't interact with such people, Raena-sama."

Huh? Who is this midget? Excuse me hon but your getting in the way of a new friendship.

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