Chapter 9: Rowen takes action

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Meanwhile, a certain chocolate haired, blue eyed boy was panicking as he paced back and forth in front of a car.

He was definitely turning mad with worry.
Why? you ask?

Its because of his sister, of course!

Its been 30 minutes now and the promised 'it will only take 10 minutes tops, brother' has long since been overdue. This siscon of a brother would definitely be frantic.

"Where the heck is she?"

That phrase was what he was constantly muttering to himself, all the while, frequently glancing at the direction of where Raena was supposed to be.

"What is keeping her so long??"

'Don't tell me, she was swallowed by the toilet?! No, that can't be.
It couldn't take that long for a girl to go to the toilet, right?? right? And besides what could a four year old do there? It was not like she had to powder her nose or re-apply her make-up or something!
But what if she really did fall in the toilet?! No, she couldn't be that careless, right? Maybe she's just having diarrhea or something that's why it's taking so long. Hahaha Right! it's all because of all the food we ate....'

The more that Rowen pondered it, the more he grew worried and suspicious. As the internal struggle of going to her himself or just to patiently wait for her was coming to an end, the former finally won the battle.

'Who am I kidding?! Something has definitely happened.'

And there you go, as quick as lightning the sisco- Rowen had finally taken action.

"Mr. Samuel, I gotta check on her. Could you please wait a little bit more?"

"Of course young master. I will wait for as long as you wish."

Rowen then thanked the family driver and as quickly as he could went straight to were his sister was.
When he got there, what greeted him was an empty stall. Nobody was inside and there weren't any signs of Rae. The butterflies within his stomach grew even more restless.

'Where had Rae disappeared to??'

Rowen was not stupid and he knew that his little sister was even more so. In fact, Rowen knew that Rae was very smart, a genius even. He knew that Rae was not so stupid as to wander off without telling anybody.

So why? Where could she have gone to?

'Then there's only one explanation. She's been taken."

Arriving to that conclusion, Rowen hastily sprinted back to the car and quickly bombarded the driver with orders to return. Seeing the young master's frantic actions, Samuel did not have any second thoughts and just drove as fast as he could. He knew right away that something bad had happened to the young miss.

Opening his phone, the first thing Rowen did was to contact their parents and informed them of the situation and after ending that call, and without wasting any time, dialed yet another number.

"Yes. Its me."

"Find her."

With that short call, Rowen, again, didn't spare a second and then shortly after, produced a laptop. He opened a certain program and after inputing many keys and passwords, it finally revealed a certain flickering light on a map. After many codes were entered, it finally showed where his little sister was taken to. Sweat was dripping from his face, as he concentrated on the task at hand while also fearing the situation his sister was currently in.

It took Rowen almost two hours to finally find and verify Rae's location. Since the vehicle Raena was on was constantly moving, Rowen had a hard time tracking them but finally after much effort, he pinpointed their location.

"Finally found you Rae."

Telling Mr. Samuel the location, the car swiftly drove in the direction of where Rae was.

Contrary to Rae's assumption, the van she was riding on has only been riding for 2 and a half hours. This included the incident with the knife wielding Lucas.

By the time the kidnappers had arrived to their location, only three hours had passed.

Author's note:

This chapter is short I know and I'm sorry but I will update this again next week and hopefully with a longer chapter, this IS a promise!

I just updated this for the sake of updating...hehe.
(and to inform you that I'm still alive and kicking)
so don't worry if I don't update too much, that just means my allergy is acting up, the allergy...

of laziness!!

Thanks and thanks you!! love you all! mwah!😙

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