Chapter 10 part 1

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I slowly open my eyes and the dizziness and the nausea instantly attack me.

"Where am I?"

I find myself strangely asking that and a sense of de ja vu hits me.

'Right, I said that when I woke up at the hospital right after oniichan pushed me.'

But when I looked around the room I was in, white walls didn't greet me with their sterile environment like it normally would if this was a hospital. Instead, what entered my eyes were paintings of luxurious quality.


They were set on the beige walls with a golden frame. Underneath them were mahogany furnitures and atop the table were a set of expensive china vases filled to the brim with fresh cut flowers.
I looked a bit more to the left to see the night stand beside the bed. Placed on top, was an expensive china tea set that was already filled with tea; Steam was rising above the cup, indicating that it was still freshly brewed.
This in itself was really out of place if this was really a hospital ( The food they served me was always cold).

I let my eyes roam a bit more and looked up.

'Canopy!? Hospitals don't have that, do they?'

Finally panicked, I let my hands roam and touched the blanket covering me. What greeted me were smoothness and luxury.


Ohoohkay, this finally confirms it, does'nt it?! I'm not in the hospital and the kidnapping was not a dream.

All this time I was hoping and hoping that oh dear God was joking with me. I had hoped that the kidnappers had lost interest in me and just dumped my body away ( with organs hopefully intact) because they already had the young master Lucas that they had been searching for and that I was just a minor casualty along for the ride. I had dreamed that the police found me lying on the streets and took me to the hospital but all of that was really just a dream.

Now, they've taken me somewhere and this is obviously the mansion of the perverted old man that that brat mentioned.

Speaking of which, when my eyes finally landed to the space beside me, that psychopath kid was sleeping beside me! They actually put me in the same room as him.

Maybe it was out of instinct but I involuntarily scooted away from him. You may never know, you know? Based on my previous experience, that angelic face was anything but that. He could wake up any minute now and take two of "hostage" would quickly take place; So for safety reasons, backing away was a good option.


Oh, but what good timing. Just as I finished backing away from danger, Lucas woke up. His eyes met mine and it instantly widened with understanding.

"d@mnit! d@mnitsh!t!f#ck this...."

He cursed audibly all the while struggling to get up. Only now did I notice that he was bound once again where as my hands were free as a bird.

"Colourful language you've got there."

"Just shut up red and help me untie this."

I replied back to him with one brow raised.

'Have fun getting out of that cause there is no way in hell I'm falling for that again.'

He then glared at me in which I also gave an awkward glare back with one eye twitching.

"I mean why should I? the last time I did help you, I got a knife to my neck. So no thank you~ have fun struggling sir."

"Urgh! Fine! I'll do it on my own then!"

Seeing as I was not budging, he continued with his task. Writhing like a worm, he tried everything he could to get the ropes to loosen but it was to no avail. The ropes were tightly tied around and the skin beneath them was beginning to get chaffed.

"Hey, you're hand is bleeding... You'll get hurt... or something..."

As the concerned citizen that I am, I cautiously pointed out the obvious to him in the most feeble and timid voice I could muster.
Hey, I don't want him to lash out okay?!(like last time).

But my words just fell into deaf ears. He continued to struggle until the ropes themselves were stained red and at which point, I also gave up in stopping him; It was also getting kinda annoying.
If the kid wanted to hurt himself, I say let him. I sure don't want to repeat my mistakes again and set a psychopath free. I'm not that stupid.

"Sh!t! this is pointless!"

And in which he finally gives up.

He laid down flat next to me and just stared at the ceiling. He really did give up. Beads of perspiration fell down from his temples and the blood from his hands flowed down into his shirt were he rested them. He looked pitiful and I kinda felt bad for not untying the rope for him but then again I realized that he was the reason that I'm in this mess. If it weren't for him going missing, maybe the kidnappers would not have taken me... or something. Huh? why did they take me if their goal all along was this brat anyways? why?

We-well anyways, I'll get to that later, but he kinda deserves this right? I mean, he did run away from home and he tried to kill me so his predicament now is justified right?




" hey... are you crying?"

"I'm not!!"

When I looked back at him he had his arm covering his face and it was obviously him trying to cover up the fact that he was crying.

"Are you... alright?"

"I said I'm not crying!!"

He yelled at me all the while still covering his face with his arms.

If I didn't know any better, I'd say that all that tough guy act was just a bluff and this kid was really just a marshmallow. I now kinda feel bad for all the bad things I said about him. I mean, he too was a victim in all of this right? It was selfish of me to fault him when he was also dragged into this mess with me.

So, moving my body sideways, I patted his head while also trying to remove the ropes around his hands.

"hey, its alright Everything's gonna be alright."

While cajoling him with words of reassurance, I finally got the rope off of him. He also seemed to have stopped crying which was a relief cause the guilt of making a kid cry left an unpleasant after taste in my mouth.

"Hey, red."

"Raena. My name is Raena."

"Red. You really are gullible huh?"

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