Chapter 5: apologies and confessions

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Why does my everything hurt so much?

My body feels like it's been thrown into a meat grinder. It hurts with just a move from a finger. Everything ached from my head down to my ankles. What happened to me?

I tried opening my eyes but they were so heavy. It felt like someone strapped weights unto them. I barely managed to open them a crack and what greeted me was


It was too bright! someone turn it off! its baking my eyes.. I couldnt see anything...

You know that annoying feeling you get when you are in a dark room and then suddenly, someone turns the lights on? or when you go outside for prolonged periods of time and it's sunny, and then when you finally go back inside the house and you have this momentary state of blindess?
Well, currently, that is what is happening to me, only much more worse. And I tell you it is pure agony! and annoying...

I closed my eyes again and then waited for them to adjust. I did this a couple of times until I can finally see again.

I let my vision roam around. White walls and a sterile environment greeted me.

'This is definitely not my room, it was never this clean.'

"where am I?"

Again, I scanned the room until it landed on the person sitted at my bedside and he was sleeping. It was a boy of about eight and he was holding my hand so tightly I think my circulation was going to be cut off. He had a face that would make anyone say " He sure would be pretty darn handsome when he grows up."
He had dark hair and soft rosy cheeks and lips that looked to be colored in blood. Long eyelashes framed his eyes that I am sure would be hypnotic. His brows were creased, giving him a troubled and scowling look, and he was mumbling in his sleep. I think he is having a bad dream.

"Rae I'm so sorry..."

"Rowen oniichan..."

I whispered in reply.

Then my head suddenly ached and like an explosion everything suddenly came back to me. The stairs, the argument, Rowen oniichan pushing me and then I fell. While I clutched my head, it finally dawned on me

"I see. So, I'm in a hospital right now."

'thank god. Im not dead and this is not heaven. phew 😥.'


Oh, he's awake.

"good morning Rowen oniichan."

Rowen was rubbing away the sleep from his eyes. He look so dazed and confused but in the next second it changed into shock.

 He look so dazed and confused but in the next second it changed into shock

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The next thing I knew, I was enveloped by warmth. The sudden hug was both a surprise and reassuring, it reminded me that everything was not a dream.Tiny arms were wrapped around me tightly and my neck felt a little damp. Rowen was weeping while embracing me.

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