Chapter 10 part 4

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"As you wish young master."

The butler said in compliance as he bowed and turned his back from us with a small visible sneer on his face as he proceeded to walk away.

'Wow such admirable manners (note the sarcasm).
What happened to escorting us all the way and obeying master's orders?!'

"He didnt really have to be that mean! hmmph!"

"Quit complaining, I fixed it already didnt I? There won't be anymore eyesores. Now do you want to walk the rest of the way or do you wanna hop on?"

Lucy said as he bent down and offered his back to me. His hands readying themselves for a piggy back ride.

"I'm heavy though, won't I break you?"

Really though I am heavy, about 15 kilograms or so. Even Rowen oniichan doesnt carry me for too long since his hands will always sore after. I couldnt even imagine Lucas carrying me for who knows how long and to who knows where; my brother couldnt bear it, how could Rowen with his physique.

"Are you underestimating me?! I have the strength of a healthy 6 year old boy, I say the weight of a puny girl like you would just be a piece of cake."

"hmmm... So you were older than me, I thought you were also four or something. But I'm taller than you, wont that be a problem? I'll definitely crush you."

As I said that in reply, his face immediately darkened. Lucas then immediately walked ahead and turned his back from me leaving me behind.

"Fine! suit yourself."

"Wha- I thought you were gonna give me a piggy back ride?!"

'Why the sudden change of heart?'

Why is this kid always changing moods? Its hard to keep track which is which. A minor issue would set him off just like a ticking time bomb. What did I even say this time to make him mad again??

"Walk by yourself since I'll be too short to carry you."

Apparently the mention of the  height difference was the problem.

Complex much? I was just checking to see if he could really handle carrying me. I mean, I didnt want to burden him and possibly injure both of us if he couldnt hold me anymore. That would be disastrous!

He was walking ahead all by himself now. Did he really intend to leave me here all because I mentioned his height? What was the point of saving me from the butler then!?

"Wait! Lucy! wait for me."

I hurriedly tried to catch up to him. He was rounding a corner meters away from me prompting me to drag myself even faster than ever. If I lost sight of him then I'll be the one forever wandering this place and I didn't want that.

'How big is this house even? We havent even reached the study yet, have we?'

Why did I even made him mad? If I just accepted the offer then I would be leisurely cruising on his back by now. Curse it all!

"Lucas! Luke! please stop...for a minute..hah."

The sound of me dragging myself and panting could be heard as I finally managed to catch up to him. He was about 5 meters away but now I was completely exhausted.

"Lucy! wai-oof!"

My legs got tangled and I tripped myself, landing face flat on the floor.


'Tch. Silly girl, your just making this harder for yourself. Accepting the kindness I so readily offered would have been a better option for you.'

I thought so as I looked down on her, still face flat on the floor.

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