Chapter 2: My New Family

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(a/n: the picture above is grown up Raena

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(a/n: the picture above is grown up Raena. I drew her myself btw. sorry bout the quality its night here in my country and Im only using my phone.)

Today really is a joyous day.

My wife gave birth to a lovely and healthy baby despite all of her complications. Although I wanted a boy, a daughter would also be a wonderful addition to the family.

I reached my hand out toward my baby girl and my wife willingly gave her to me. She had hypnotic green eyes similar to that of a cat, I guess this is from my wife's side of the family. On her tiny head were tufts of mahogany hair, the color would sometimes look red when the light hits it. She had a pale milky complexion and full red lips. She looked so fragile and breakable like a glass doll that at that moment I made a vow to myself. I vowed to protect and give her everything she needs. I would attend to her every wants and desires even if it would ruin me (and my pocket.)

" hi there, I'm gonna be your papa."

"honey why don't you give her a name."

"oh right. hmmm how about Raena. I think it means "queen" you know. She will be our princess and queen."

" I thought you said I was your queen."

" That is where you are wrong my love. You are my empress."

" Hahaha you are always such a goofball."

" Hehe you're the one who married a goofball."

I then proceeded to move towards her and then attacked her (with kisses). She errupted into fits of laughter. Ah, music to my ears. She makes me fall for her more and more.

"uhm. honey?"

"yeah (chuu.)"

" the baby is watching us."

"wah! this is explicit content!"

"haha like I said, goofball."

but it really was unnerving. Raena looked at me and my husband as if she understood what we were doing. Her face looked grossed out but after awhile she slowly smiled. Kyaa! so adorable! my Raena is so cute!

I looked at both of them. I guess they would be my new parents. They are both grossing me out what with all the flirting ( I think they are flirting even though I dont understand what they are saying). And the most shocking thing was that now they are both eating each other's face off. I mentally cringed ' yuck, earth to people here theres a baby in the room.' Maybe the disgust showed on my face because they suddenly stopped what they were doing. The man,"papa", was so flustered that his entire face turned beet red. He was waving his arms as if to deny it and he was spouting nonsense. The scene was so comical that unwittingly let out a smile then a giggle. Haaaah, if they are going to be my new family I think it would be so much fun everyday.

After 1 year

huh? did you think I would tell you all the details? the last 12 months were so boring and uneventful that I had to skip telling you all about it. But let me tell you a little bit. Its not like I'm worried that you would not continue reading my story anymore (a/n: heh, tsundere).
A-anyway, let me tell you about my family. After mama ( I call her that now) was discharged, we went home to a big mansion beside the cliff facing the sea. It was mostly made of glass and the first thought that came into my mind was 'my parents are loaded' and then ' Im going to live here?! me?!' and then finally 'wah! thank you creepy stalker' but the last one was a joke. I still cannot believe the fact that I am dead but oh well whatever.

For how many weeks I could not move or walk much less crawl but little by little I finally managed to do so. I also managed to understand what they were saying. Their language was not any different from japanese I think and since I love watching anime in my previous life, I somehow manage to learn it. Although I cannot yet speak it since my baby vocal chords are under developed, I can say some words to point out some things. Like when I'm hungry, I would say " food" or when I want them to get me something I would point at the object and then say the name like "apple." It occured to me now that I only knew the name of food and only know little about the names of some of the objects. hahaha...ha...ha.

Well a-anyway, speaking about names, my new name is Raena Sanders. I am now the daughter of Alex and Liliana Sanders. Alex Sanders is a world renowned photographer and producer. He owns a major model agency, Spider Silk and a film production company, Rucas production. He is in his early 30's but he looks pretty handsome. Liliana was a former super model but she is now retired because she was pregnant with me. She is now 26 years old. She was also an actress in my papa's film production company. She had worked in papa's model agency too. Maybe thats how they met. I also have a big brother, Rowen Collins. He is 8 years old now. He has a different surname because he and I have different mothers. He is the son of the first wife but she died too soon because of a fatal disease. Between you and me, I think he hates me. He keeps glaring at me whenever we cross paths but still, I think he is just lonely.

Now that I've said all their names. I also need to point something out. Their names and everything were so familiar to me the first time I heard them that something kept nagging me to remember as to where I had heard them. I tried to ignore it but then it suddenly hit me, literally hit me, when I hit my head in the sidewalk while running towards my mother. Everything finally came back. My family were once characters from a hit tv drama that once aired in my previous life. I think it was called "Captured hearts" it was about a poor girl aspiring to be a super model to raise her family from poverty along the way she meets people that hinders her from achieving her dream and making it hard for her to go on. But as luck would have it, Luke aka the "Prince", the famous male supermodel comes in to rescue her. Overall it was a great piece of work that really got me hooked.
Another thing I would like to point out is that I am also part of the drama albeit I was the antagonist. As I recall Raena Sanders was the pampered,spoiled bad guy who was the fiancee of Luke. She loved him but Luke did not return her feelings. When the heroine came into the picture, she even got more desperate. At the end, she even tried to murder the heroine which lead to her bad end because the prince got her first. I really really hated her. I used to scream at the tv screen because I was so upset. She was stupid and I mean really stupid since she only focused on her career. She did not even know how to pronounce some words. The tricks she played on the main character were petty but it sure ruined the heroines dreams. She was killed by the "prince" but he did not go to jail on the account that it was self defense. Nobody mourned her death not even her family because she lost all their trust. Even I cheered and jumped for joy when she was finally out of the picture which lead to Katy calling me crazy. But now me and her are the same person which means her fate is also mine. I can't die!! I won't let the prince kill me. I would do everything I can to not get a death flag again. My goal for now is to live opposite of what TV Raena did. I would not get involved with the prince and I would study hard so as to not be ridiculed.

I would live my life death flag free!!

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