Chapter 10: part 5 (final)

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Mr. Deveraux was a tall handsome man.

That was my first impression of him as me and Lucas entered his office.

He sat behind his desk and waited for us to fully enter before he set down his work and finally looked at us.

His very presence commanded respect and awe but to me it was like staring into the eyes of death itself.
He gave off a strict-teacher-kind of feel, one in which I wouldn't want to be up against.

'Kowai... this person is scary.'

But if I chicken out now, this would never end. Lucas would still be miserable and I would be filled with guilt for abandoning him. He is the reason for all this mess so it was now or never.

'Be brave Rae, be brave just this one time.'

I said to myself like in the movie with the giant and as if I was possesed by some unknown force I started to confront him head on. I don't know what came over me but I slightly hid Lucas behind me and started yelling at the man in front of me like a little mouse standing up to a cat.

"You are a mean man!!"

Not the best insult I could come up with but hey, I gotta act what was appropriate for my age.

"You twook me away fwom my fwamily and Wucy is very chad because of you. You also diswupted mommy's life before this wight?!"

While speaking, I kept on bitting my tongue and the result was that I lisped all through my tirade.

"O-oi red!"

Damn it! Just what is this girl doing right before we just entered. And hiding me behind her as if her small frame could even protect me.

' I was the one who was supposed to do that.'

She didn't even stop to breath before recounting all the bad things father had done all the while the said man was just staring at her condescendingly.

'Oh boy 😧'

But most unexpectedly, after red's tirade my father got up from his desk, stood in front of us and lowered his body so that we were in level with him.

"W-what? What do y-you want??"
Red said full of apprehension towards the man who suddenly invaded her space.

What happened next was way beyond my expectation because father hugged red while repeatedly rubbing his cheek with hers.

"Kawaiii!! You were just like my Lily back when she was young.. just so cute!!!"


Lolicon!!! Pedo alert!! This man is a pervert.

I desperately struggled against him like my life depended on it. Slapping his face away from mine but what could the strength of a miniscule child do? The stubble on his chin was hurting my baby face like crazy.

Neh, Lucas kindly get your father's face away from me before he does permanent damage.
Now I see how my mother was suffering under this type of a brother, but why send me into the frey too??

"Re-release me...uncle"

I cried deperately for freedom but that only made him all the more hug me tighter.

"Wha!! She called me uncle!! Just so cute!!"

What was the matter with this man?? My image of him being a serious and strict man had gone completely to the wind and shattered.

"Ahem... father, are you done yet?"

"Huh? Oh yes.. quite so." After he said that, he released poor red and changed back to his serious and commanding persona.

"So what brings you two here?"

"You called us here, remember?"

" Oh yeah I did but it seems there is nothing for me to discuss anymore since you two appear to be quite aquainted already."

"It's temporary truce... I'm just gonna go along with father's pace anyway with all the f*ckery you designed. So yeah, Red's my fiancee now (just like you wanted) and can finally go home now right?!"

"Sure, but Lucas, let her visit sometimes. Okay?"

Wha- I did'nt intend to. Just the treatment I was subjected to moments before was uncomfortable and overbearing. But something told me that the arrangement for me to visit here was already settled with between mom and uncle and was non negotiable. So I could only nod my head and agree since I didn't to be in here for a second more than I already am.

Taking Luke's arm, we bid uncle fairwell and exited from the study. But before I can follow after Luke. Uncle called out to me.

" Rae my dear, please take care of Lucas. He may be a handful but still, he's a good kid... And your brother may be waiting for you outside. Give him my best regards."

' Huh?? My nii-chan is here?! How could Rowen-nii have known I was here?'

But the thought of him coming to save me was all the push that I needed to rush outside. My oniichan is really a caring and lo-

" Where is Rae!!"

' who the what now-'

Unexpectedly, what greeted me outside were two boys glaring dagger's at each other. My brother was from beyond the hallway and opposite him was Lucy who just exited the room before me.

" Onii-sama?"

I was moving towards him when Lucy took hold of my elbow and this time, was the one who shielded me.

But this was ridiculous, how was he supposed to hide me when he was just as small as I was?!

But this was ridiculous, how was he supposed to hide me when he was just as small as I was?!

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"Who are you to look for MY fiancee?"

' little boy say wha???'

Well he is technically my fiance. But what did you just tell my onii- sama??!!!

Now, I'm embaressed. I could feel the heat rising from my face to my body and in the next instant, my knees gave in.



I could feel Luke supporting my head as his cool hand touched my face.

" She's running a fever. Get some help!!"

" Onii-"

" Rae? I'm here, it' s okay I'm here Rae. The ambulance will be here any minute. Just hold on till then, okay?"

But I couldn't. I could feel my consciousness fade. All the fatigue and stress finally got to me. I pushed myself so hard but this was the limit.

Looking at my leg, it was a whole lot more swollen and more pronounced than ever. It ached every time I moved even for a little bit.

'Ah- how gruesome.'

Then I finally fainted... again.

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