Chapter 8: What The-

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'Good! finally!'

The kid next to me is starting to wake up. I can finally have someone to share this problem with.

Looking at him now, he looked kinda familiar. I just don't know where. He was probably 4 or 5 years old. The kid had jet black hair and when he opened his eyes it was the color of grey clouds. He was a bit taller than me and he kinda looked like a pompous rich kid.

'Not only were these kidnappers phedophiles but they were also picky huh?"

"mhm! ngm! fmck!thm!shm!!"

The moment the hazy fog of sleepiness left him, the kid started struggling and screaming through his gag.

'Woah! kid! stop struggling or they would notice you.'


'Hey! stop it! or we'd be dead meat!'

I signaled to him with my eyes to stop but not only was he not stopping, the kidnappers were starting to notice.

'Oh nose... I gotta stop this kid or else...'

And with that in mind, I proceded to grab his arm with my own bound hand and pinched him real hard. This made him give out a small yelp but it put an end to his struggling.

He glared at me as if to tell me this was my fault.

'Well duh kid, if I did this then I would not also be in this mess.'

I rolled my eyes at him and then looked at the kidnappers to tell him that they would have notice him struggling if I did not stop him.

He just looked at me with a stupid look as if to tell me that he knew what he was doing and then again tried to get the restrains off of him only this time, much quieter.

'Aargh! this kid is... is just... Stupid!'

Trying to communicate with someone who was brain dead was pointless, that and this gags were making it much more difficult. So, I turned my back to him and with my bound hands ripped off the tape that was blocking his mouth. Yeah I just ripped it right off like a band aid.

I then turned back around and faced him. He was looking pretty mad.

"what did you do that for?!"

He whisper yelled at me.

I ignored him and then told him to do the same for me by looking down at my own gag and looking back at him and I guess he got the message because he turned his back to me and copied what I did.


'Payback, huh?'

"Hey kid, stop it with the struggling. If the kidnappers notice us, it would be the end."

"Then what are we supposed to do, genius? I'm just trying to get out of this mess. If you don't have any plans, I suggest you just shut up and follow me."

Well, the kid has a point. Just waiting around for doom to drop by would be stupid and since I don't know anymore, I might as well help him.

I then started helping him untie his ropes while trying to go unnoticed by the kidnappers. This was so much more difficult than what I thought. The ropes where tightly knotted and I had to do this while my arms were bound behind my back but luckily, under my skillful fingers, the ropes were undone. It took me a good 15 minutes to untie the damned rope.

"Now, you untie me."

"Yeah yeah... just, wait a sec, will ya."

The boy then moved closer and just when I thought he was about to do the same for me, He suddenly grabbed the back of my head and then I felt something sharp and cold under my chin.

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