Chapter 10 part 3

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The thing about plans, is that it may not always go according to what you want to happen.

The minute the family butler would knock on the door was supposed to be when we would take action. However, I didnt take into account how long that would take. Minutes have ticked by and the silence was deafening.

An awkward tension was slowly arising. It was uncomfortable and it made my stomach ache. Lucas himself didnt seem to want to break the ice nor do I want to start a conversation myself.

So, left all alone with my thoughts, I sorted through them and realized. The boy next to me would probably be my fiance and I made that decision myself...

The boy next to would probably be my fiance and I decided that myself.


My face begun to feel hot and a feeling of embarassment took over.

'What have you done me?! You're a grown woman and you snagged a kid from his cradle! He's barely 5 years old well as youre technically in your midlife crisis!'

My sense of morality was as strong as iron and having done what I just did, it was embarassing to the point that I want to bury myself.

'Kyah! I don't want a kid as my husband. I'm not a cougar!'

I don't even know anything about him.

"ne, Lucas."


'gah, this is so awkward.'

"Are really okay with this?"

"Seeing as I'm just going along your pace, what do you think red?"


"Why? are you flaking out? You were the one to suggest this."

"I-Im not! it's just...(I don't even know youre full name or anything for that matter. Were complete strangers.)"

The last part was just a whisper. The dumb-to-the-point-of-reckless courage I had when I suggested the... the you know, was gone. I must have been crazy. Raena's problems were now also mine, to even forget that fact... I'm ashamed.

"Well if youre having second thoughts about this then you can never get back home you know? my father would never allow it if nothing ever goes according to his plans. And if its about the marriage... As you said its not like we'll really end up together. I mean youre not my type. I like girls who obey me and let's face it, you were not like that judging from when we were in the van. I would give you a 2 out of 10. It was a -1 before but now I had perspective."

"Huh?! are you comforting or insulting me?! Its kinda hard to tell since your words are all the same. Pftt...ahahaha"

"See, now your laughing so I was, in fact, comforting you."

"Youre right, thanks Lucas. Maybe we should start over again then. I'm Raena Sanders but you can call me Rae." I said as I thrusted out my hand towards him for a hand shake.

"No problem, Red. Lucas Deveraux but Luke is fine."
He replied as he took my hand and kissed it.


I knew it! He's Luke from Captured Hearts! The evil prince who would kill me in the drama. I knew I recognized that evil face. But wait! wasn't avoiding him at all cost my goal? Flags of destruction would befall me if our paths ever crossed but now Im to be his fiancee. In the drama, he was also Raena's arranged partner but to think that everything is unfolding just like in the show would be to my advantage. I now have the power to see ahead.

But the shock still did not left. I mean it's Luke!? Future killer of Rae?! Hello?!
I kept on scooting away from him until there was no bed left.

"Hey! wait! you'll fal-"

And as he said that I felt my weight leave the bed but then a hand pulled me at the last minute. So now were both in an awkward position where in Lucas is at the edge of the bed trying desperately to pull me up where as I was half way down the floor, one leg up the bed.

"Ahem, Young master and miss. The master will see you in his study now."

'fudge... The butler saw us, how embarassing.'

Quickly getting up and dusting off any shame we had, the aged servant then promptly guided us to the hall were we then took many turns that I simply forgot to count them all.

I was always lagging behind them since I was literally dragging my feet while hopping every now and then. Oh, but did I tell you how I can walk short distances? I can, but not for too long because it hurts eventually even more so now that my legs were twisted again because of the recent abduction, keeping up was the greatest agony I had to endure. I could feel that my ankle upto the knee were beginning to get sore and swolen. Silent and uncontrollable tears were now freely cascading down my cheeks that was just how much painful this was for me.

But somewhere out of the blue Lucas suddenly held me by the elbow and supported me. Shocked, I took his arm and grabbed unto it tightly like a handle bar, afraid that I would stumble. He pushed me behind him and blocked my view of the butler.

Apparently by forgetting that my legs were incapacitated and his blatant disregard for it was getting on Lucy's nerve if the way he held my arm proved it.

"Oi! old man. Is picking on a cripple a habit of yours or is it just this whole mansion's servants just as rotten as the old man sitting in front of his desk all day?!"

"My apologies sir but master's order was to only get you and the young miss. He never stated far beyond anything than that. Helping her alleviate her... minor locomotive problems is none of this house's concern but if the master so wishes it, I will immediately obey."

' Hmmph! how rude! I believe that I am a guest good sir so at least you should treat me as one... or maybe captive would be more appropriate but nonetheless I'm still a person. Who has rights!' was what I really wanted to say but couldn't and only resolved to wiping my tears as quietly as I could.

"tch! a dog will always be a dog. Leave us. We can go there ourselves."

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