Taken Part Six- Mulder

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Mulder found himself kissing his partner, Dana Scully. He almost broke the kiss but before he could apologize for being so stupid, Scully kissed back. She threaded her fingers through his messy, dirty brown locks and held his face with the other. Mulder pushed himself against her hungrily. Their kiss deepened, both of them in the throes of their love. The FBI agents broke off their kiss when Scully accidentally put too much pressure on a stomach wound of Mulder's. "Sorry," She panted, leaning her forehead against Mulder's. They gazed into each other's eyes. Blue into green.

"You've no idea how long I'd been waiting to do that," Mulder murmured, brushing off her apology, having already forgotten the pain. Scully smiled.

"Me too." She leaned her body into Mulder's, breathing in his scent. She didn't mind the fact neither of them had taken a shower for two days. The only thing she knew was that she loved this man, and he loved her.

"I love you, Dana." Mulder whispered into her ear.

"I love you, Fox."

When finally they decided to actually start working on Scully's rope, it was getting dark. It may take a while, but they wouldn't give up hope, no matter how long it took.


A day later, Scully was dropped in front of Mulder, body red with blood and new wounds. Mulder, who was still suffering from the bruises and small cuts the horse had given him the day before, crawled his way to Dana's side. He examined her wounds, noticing it was a lot worse than her first time with the Harpy Eagle. Deep scratches covered her fair skin, two bite marks were clearly visible on her left leg. Mulder scooped Scully into his arms and began the tiring journey back to their little corner, next to the window. He leaned against the wall and laid her across his lap.

With a loud ripping sound, he tore off the last of his old black shirt to bind her leg. After doing the best he could with her wounds, he brushed Scully's red hair away from her eyes. A small, red cut stretched from her forehead to her chin. Now all he could do was wait. After four days of no food, little water provided, and being pounded on by mad animals, their resolve was starting to crumble. The only good thing really that they could say was that they had hacked halfway through Scully's rope already, and she would be free soon. Maybe she could go get help, but it was doubtful Mulder would live through it. He felt weak, like a baby. He wasn't about to tell her that though. It would break her heart.

Three hours later, Scully finally stirred. She opened her clear blue eyes and found Mulder's. "Hey," She croaked weakly. Mulder helped her to sit up. It had rained the night before and he helped Scully to the small puddle of water under the glass-less window. They both drank the meager, foul tasting drink. Then, they began their now familiar ritual of telling the other what animal had attacked them. This time, it happened to be a wolverine.

Mulder leaned back against the wall, trying not to move too much. Scully had told him yesterday that he was suffering from a fractured, or possibly, broken rib. Scully sat beside Mulder, holding his now thin hand in hers. They were running out of time, they both knew it. It was only a matter of time before they lost hope, their body failed, and they died. Because of the frailness of his body, Mulder may very well not survive the next day.

In the late afternoon, Mulder picked up the worn talon from the eagle. Scully stretched her ankle toward him and he hacked weakly at the rope while Scully held it still. Then they switched, Mulder with the rope and Scully with the talon. The rope was now 4/6 of the way cut through.

Darkness fell, and with it, Mulder's panic rose. Both of them had come to dread the torturous nights they experienced in the hallway below their prison. The worst pain so far for Mulder was the 1,000 pound horse which had repeatedly kicked him. Then, for the grand finale it had crashed on his ribs, fracturing several and maybe breaking one.

Steps echoed from outside the old peeling grey door. Scully turned toward Mulder, tears in her eyes. They both knew he might not survive. "I love you." Mulder returned the words and pressed a kiss to her forehead. When the crazy blonde lady opened the door, Mulder was ready. He began the journey down the stairs, escorted by the woman. She once again left him at the bottom without a word. Mulder leaned against the wall, holding his arms protectively over his rib cage. The candlelight flickered around him, signaling the approach of the creature. A malignant hiss echoed around him and Mulder fervently hoped the snake wasn't poisonous.

Then, he felt something slithering coldly up his leg, winding around his body. His arms were pinned to his torso by the huge snake curled around him. The head reared above his head, baring its thin, sharp fangs which were glistening with poison. A Death Adder. This thought registered only briefly in Mulder's head before the snake struck, driving the poison into his veins.

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