Falling For You

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 "You can't choose who you fall in love with."

Mulder knew that. After all, he had fallen for Diana Fowley, another FBI agent who soon proved to be a jerk. But this, he couldn't understand. He'd fallen for his partner, Dana Scully. After five years of working together, his feelings had grown, soon proving to himself that he loved her. But Scully, well, she was so different from himself, it was almost absurd. After FIVE years of working with him on the X Files, researching unexplainable phenomenon, she was still a resolute believer in the mundane. It irritated him so, but whenever he met her crystal blue eyes over a file folder, his hard feelings melted away.

They'd been through so much together, experienced things no person should have to go through. He'd learned to trust her with his life and at some point, had trusted her even more than himself. If there was a God, then Scully was his gift to Mulder.

"Muulddeerr..." A soft hand shook his shoulder, making him jump in shock. He crashed onto the floor, falling off his chair and landing on his butt. A quiet tinkling laugh echoed above him as he looked up. Scully was giggling, though trying to suppress it with a hand over her mouth. He picked himself, crossed quickly over to her, wrapping his arms around her small frame.

She howled with laughter as Mulder tickled her sides, kicking her legs in the air as he lifted her up. After a minute of Scully trying in vain to fight herself from his arms, she fell limp. "Do you give up Scully?"

She heaved for breath, her face red from lack of air. "Y-yes. Yes, I give up Mulder." Mulder put her down gently, setting her lightly on her feet. Scully straightened her pant suit, which had been rumpled by the tickle fight. "What was that for, Mulder?" She demanded.

Mulder grinned at her the corners of his eyes crinkling as he studied his best friend. "Nothing Scully. I just wanted to hear your laugh." She shook her head at him, trying to hide the smile that pulled at her lips.

"Well, we've got to get back to work now. I got the autopsy reports back on Graham's body..." Mulder tuned the rest of her words out and sat down at his desk. Leaning his chin on a hand, he watched as Scully paced the room, flinging her arms in the air. She was clearly agitated about something, probably from another unidentifiable organism found in the body. During these times, Mulder found her especially gorgeous.

Scully's eyes would flash dangerously, with her smooth pink lips pressed into a grim line. "You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen," Mulder murmured, still gazing at her.

"What?" Scully asked, turning back around to face her partner. He was staring at her, a strange expression etched onto his features. What had he just said? Something about being the most beautiful woman...? A hot flush started to creep up her neck. Had he really said that? "What did you say Mulder?" He snapped back to attention, color flooded his cheeks and his eyes widened.

"Just thinking about the case. You know what, Scully? I think it's time we had lunch. My treat." Mulder stood to his six foot height and walked towards her.

"B-but Mulder!" She protested. "We've got to keep working on the case-"

"The case will still be here when you get back."

"Well, I'm not really that hungry," Scully began again but was interrupted by her rumbling stomach. She blushed, red spreading across her pale cheeks. Mulder smiled down at her, not bothering to hide his amusement.

"Sure, whatever you say Scully!" He placed an arm at the small of her back and guided her out the door. Mulder would tell her soon, but not now. 

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