Switched Part Nine- Mulder

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Mulder crossed the corridor toward A.D. Skinner's office. He'd finally finished his Expenses Report and was turning it in for their latest case. It had involved a giant bat. Though they'd turned in their Case Reports only a week after solving the case, Expenses took a little longer. Skinner looked up at him as he entered. "Ah- thanks Agent Scully."

"You're welcome sir. Is there anything else you need?" Mulder asked politely.

"Agent? Isn't it your birthday today?" Skinner asked, standing up and walking around his desk and leaning against it. Mulder stared up at him, eyes widening in shock. It was Scully's birthday?

"Um- yes. February 23rd." He nodded quickly, his eyes meeting the calendar pinned on the whitewashed walls and finding the date. Skinner leaned forward, his arms resting on the arms of the chair Mulder was sitting in, trapping him.

"Well, Happy Birthday." Skinner's voice was low, husky and it was painfully obvious he was flirting with him. Technically, Skinner thought Mulder was Scully. However, it sickened Mulder to his stomach. Then Skinner did the unthinkable.

The next thing Mulder knew, he was Leaping backward, pushing the maroon plastic chair back and shying away from his boss. Skinner stared, stone faced at Agent Scully’s flushed face. He turned away and sat back in the chair behind his desk. He straightened his dark blue tie, not meeting his eyes. "You're dismissed, Agent." His voice cracked on the last word and before Skinner could say anything else, Mulder was already gone.

He stopped in front of the elevator, rapidly pushing the Down button. When the elevator arrived, he ran inside and practically collapsed against the metal wall. Skinner kissed him.... Blood rushed to his cheeks and Mulder wiped at his mouth. "Blaghh!!" Why would he do that!? It's not like He was gay... What if Skinner was gay. He wasn't, Right? He raised a hand to his forehead, catching sight of it. Pale, long fingered and slender. Then reality slapped him in the face.

He was Scully. He was in Scully's body. Skinner kissed Scully's lips, not his. Anger replaced his shock. Skinner kissed Scully. Skinner kissed Scully. And Scully was his. Okay, well, not yet. But still. 'He's gonna get it,' Mulder thought darkly. 'Skinner's not getting away with this!' The elevator dinged loudly, signaling that he'd reached the basement. Then, another realization. Today was her birthday!

'What am I going to do?!" He thought, staring at the wall. 'You could give her the gift.' The voice, probably his consciousness, said. Nodding, Mulder agreed then slapped himself. He was NOT going to start talking to the little voices inside his head, not again.

He entered the basement office, catching sight of Scully sitting down hurriedly behind the only desk in the room. Mulder glanced toward the drawer where the videotapes he didn't own were kept. It was open slightly. "Um Scully? What were you just doing?"

Scully's cheeks pinked. "Nothing, Mulder. So what did Skinner say?"

"Really? Nothing? Why is the drawer with the movies that aren't mine open?" Mulder grinned as he watched her squirm. She looked extremely guilty, and was trying to come up with an explanation. "You can borrow them if you'd like Scully, I- uh the owner won't mind."

"No thanks, but I appreciate the offer nonetheless." Sarcasm dripped from her words, a trait she had just started to utilize more, now that she was posing as Mulder. "Let's get back to work," Scully said, twisting around in the swivel chair which she'd stolen from him.


Mulder drove back toward Scully's house, in Scully's car. Her apartment was a kind of headquarters for them, and he slept in the spare bedroom she had. Most of his clothing had been moved and he hadn't been to his apartment in a month. They both found it easier like this, with the other just outside the door. If not, Scully reasoned, Mulder might be doing a lot more things while he stayed in her body.

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