Switched Part Three- Mulder

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Stepping forward, Mulder braced himself. Of course, he had known Scully's family, conversed with them, even lingered in the hospital together as they waited for news of Scully's recovery. Mulder felt the utmost remorse when Melissa had died. Scully had felt so heartbroken. He knocked on the door, only slightly affected by the sight of Scully's small creamy skinned hand as he directed it to knock on the wood.

A few seconds later, Mrs. Scully opened the door. "Dana!" She cried happily, flinging her arms around her daughter's neck.

"Hi Mom!" Mulder replied in Scully's 'I'm so happy to see you' voice. He returned the hug and smiled down at the brown haired woman. "Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas Sweetie! And oh, I see you've brought Mulder! How nice, Mulder come in here." Scully stepped forward and received the hug from her mother.

"Merry Christmas Mrs. Scully." Scully greeted smoothly, sounding so much like her own partner.

"Your brothers are in here Dana, come greet them... " Mulder recognized Scully's eldest brother, William. He sat with little Matthew while his wife, Tara cooked in the kitchen. Charles Scully was sitting at the fireplace, gazing fondly at his nephew.

"Hey Will, Charles!" Mulder greeted them warmly and strode over to them with a wide grin. William stood and leaning down, hugged Scully, who was really Mulder.

"Little Sis, Merry Christmas! And uh, who is that?" William gestured to Scully who was standing semi-awkwardly in the doorway. Scully strode forward and introduced herself.

"Hi, William Scully? I'm Fox Mulder, Scully's partner in the FBI."

"Ah," He nodded though still looked confused as to why Mulder was even there. Charles untangled himself from the blankets and shook Scully's hand brightly.

"Hey there! So this is the man that keeps so careful a watch over our little Dana!"

"Hey," Mulder joked to lighten the mood. "I'm older than you Charles!"

"You're still shorter!" Mulder scowled at him, giving Charles the customary Scully frown.

They settled down and talked, Scully's family getting to know her partner in the FBI. At one point when William, Charles, and 'Mulder' were talking about favorite movies as a child, they had even gone so far as to say, "You feel as welcoming and familiar as if you were our own sibling!" Scully, laughing, turned away and played with Matthew.

"Dana, can you come here please?" Mrs. Scully stood by the door to the kitchen. Mulder stood up and strode over to her.

"Yeah Mom?"

"Dana, sweetie, you know I love Mulder and all but... Is there a reason why you brought him to our Family Christmas Party?" Mulder's heart sank. He and Scully assumed that since he'd been affiliated with the Scully Family before, he'd be welcome at their party. He shifted from foot to foot. Thoughts, solutions, and their repercussions flashed in his mind. Finally, he grasped at an understandable explanation.

"Um, well, Mom..." Mulder looked down at Scully's worn but still elegant, black pumps. He tried to feign reluctance, though it wasn't that hard. Scully would surely kill him for this, the second they got home. "Agent Mulder and I... We- err, admitted our feelings and we're-"

Mrs. Scully, who had been secretly 'shipping' the two squealed with delight. "Are you-?" Mulder nodded, Scully's red hair falling before his eyes, giving Scully the look of being abashed.

"Mom? Are you alright?" William's voice echoed from the living room in concern. "We heard a noise."

"Fine Sweetie, just discussing things with your sister." Mrs. Scully looked back at her youngest, and only, daughter. She kept her voice low as she whispered, "Oh, Dana! I'm so happy for you both! Your sister would be ecstatic if..." Tears flooded her blue eyes, which were so much like Scully's that Mulder found it impossible not to comfort the woman. Mulder pulled her into a comforting hug which he always used to give to his partner. After a few moments, Mrs. Scully pulled away. Mulder found that he missed her warmth. It had been so long since he'd been hugged with so much motherly love. Certainly longer than five years. He hadn't even seen his mother for a couple of months...

"Come, Dana, we have to go tell your brothers!" Panic hit Mulder in the chest.

"Mom! Can we um, wait until Lunch?"

"Sure, of course! I can't wait..." She left, leaving Mulder to go back into the Living Room. He took a seat next to Scully who was laughing heartily at one of Charlie's jokes. Mulder nudged her discreetly and motioned toward the hallway. As Scully turned his head to look at him, Mulder glimpsed his eyes filled with an uncharacteristic sparkle. A Scully Sparkle. Mulder stood again, and ignoring the curious stares of Scully's brothers, waited for her outside.

Mulder heard his own voice excuse himself to the bathroom, the clicking of the lock, and then Scully stood before him, staring down."Well, what is it Mulder?" He shifted uneasily, smoothing the tight red dress.

"I um... Kind of told your Mom we're in a relationship." Mulder mumbled softly.

"WHAT!?!" Scully reacted just as Mulder expected. She towered over him now, and Mulder truly realized just how much taller his body was than hers.

"I'm sorry!! Your Mom was asking why you were here and I was afraid she'd ask you to leave and I had to or else-"

"Hey!" Mrs. Scully poked her head around the door. "You ready for the big Announcement!?" Scully gaped down at Mulder, astounded. "I'm so happy you're finally together dear!" She grabbed 'Mulder's' hand and squeezed it. "Now, I don't expect a proposal anytime soon but it would be great before Dana turns 38."

"Mom!!" Mulder groaned in a very good impression of Scully. Swallowing, Scully answered back,

"I'll keep that in mind."

Okay. So I found Scully's family tree on a website. Please, if I got anything wrong, tell me and I'll change it. Thx!

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