Sherlock X Files Crossover AU

504 15 13

This is one of my ELA assignments, we have to write a 6,000 word Fanfic about Sherlock at age 13. I decided to include TXF characters, cus why not? I'm sorry.... This won't really be Sculder much... I'm not done yet, I'll post the next half of this next week!

A boy of about 13 stood, staring, at the exterior of Coral Springs Middle School.  His long, dark curls swayed in the sea breeze blowing in. Santa Cruz, California was chilly in the middle of October, but this did not deter beach goers from disrupting the peace of the morning. Down the hill, the ocean stretched out in all its blue glory, the forms of barely distinguishable humans clear on the white canvas of sand. Sherlock Holmes, for he was the boy, took all this in a mere twist of his head. His keen eyes had a talent for absorbing information in this way. Already, he could tell by the slant of the sun that today was going to be a cool day. Of course, Sherlock was only procrastinating. He wasn't keen on being thrown into yet another school this year. It was only the beginning of autumn, and already, this was Sherlock's second school of the year. He knew the chances of his staying at Coral Springs more than 3 months were slim, especially if his parents, William and Carol Holmes finished this case quickly, as they always did. 'Well, now is not the time to dwell on such matters,' Sherlock reminded himself. 'I do not want to be even later than I already am.'

He proceeded to the front office, where he was greeted at once by the smiling secretary in front of computer screen. The nameplate in front of her computer identified her as Mrs. Golding. "Sherlock? Sherlock Holmes?"

"Yes, this is he." Her smile faltered. His way of speaking often had that effect on most people.

"Here is your schedule. Homeroom is in room eleven, Ms. Valentino's social science class."

"Thank you." Sherlock proceeded out the door and into the courtyard. As he was already 25 minutes late, most students were in their classrooms, though he did see some curious faces peering out at him as he passed by the windows. Coral Springs was one of those extremely spirited schools, Sherlock noticed as he passed a brightly painted picture of a pumpkin. Already, Halloween decorations outfitted the central quad area, with the most obvious being the stuffed scarecrows adorning the maple trees. He reached the classroom, and heaving a sigh, entered the room.

The day passed by in a blur of faces, names, and inquisitive stares. Sherlock had been dragged to the front of every class he had that day and introduced to the students. Usually with something like, "Class, this is Sherlock Holmes. Please be kind to him as this is his first day at Coral Springs! Don't forget to show him around our amazing school!" Honestly, Sherlock was tired of it. Nothing much interesting happened that first day, except for one thing...

When the bell for Break rang, Sherlock was out of his class like a bullet. He headed directly for his locker which was situated at the far end of the Quad. He guessed that the least liked people, loners, and weird people had their lockers here, judging by the students he passed by. '221B,' He read, glancing down at the pink slip he had in his hand. 'Locker combo 19-23-8.' He finally found the locker he was assigned. Quickly, Sherlock appraised his locker. It was a bit banged up, but the door wasn't hanging off it's hinges and he hated the color blue anyway. He opened the lock, dumping most of the contents of his bag inside and locking it again. When he turned away, he met the jaded gaze of the boy standing across from him.

He was tall and lanky, with unbrushed brown hair. His eyes were a curious shade of hazel, but they were dull, as though he cared not for the things he was seeing. His clothes were ragged, frayed, and too small. All in all, it gave him the look of a man tired of life. Quickly utilizing the skills of observation his parents had taught him, Sherlock studied the boy with new eyes. 'Unkempt fingernails, unkempt hair; doesn't care for appearance.' Sherlock's eyes found the stringy purple bracelet around his wrist. Frayed pink words spelled out Samant- and the rest were covered by his sleeve. 'Recently lost  someone close- maybe a sister?'

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