Switched Part Seven

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Switches between Mulder and Scully

Scully finished touching up Mulder's hair and makeup. For tonight, she had outfitted him in a flattering dark blue dress with a plunging neckline. It hugged the curves of her body well, which was the reason she loved this dress so much. Mulder turned around and his eyes widened in astonishment.

"Scully," He breathed. "You look beautiful." Scully could feel Her cheeks reddening at the compliment. True, she was in Mulder's body and he in hers, but she appreciated the sentiment none the less.

"Thanks Mulder. I'll go get ready now."

"I'll help." Mulder now rummaged through the closet in her room, which housed the clothes he had brought from his apartment. Scully watched as he set aside a pair of dress pants, a blue non formal Blazer, and a white v neck tee. "Here you go," Mulder smirked, handing her the clothes. "Get ready to get your socks blown off!" Scully laughed and dressed quickly, finishing with the dark blue Blazer.

She exited the bathroom and returned to Mulder, who was fiddling with his hair. Scully had used an iron to straighten the red locks and it hung elegantly about Mulder's face. She crossed the room to the mirror hung on the wall and gasped. She'd only ever seen her partner in work suits, tweed jackets and dress shirts. The Mulder she saw in the reflection was well dressed and extremely good looking.

"Told ya Sculls." Scully turned to find him smirking at her. The expression looked strange on her face.

"I- I was just admiring the fact that you clean up well." She grinned in victory at the shocked face Mulder had. Ha!


Mulder was excited. Tonight was the New Year's Eve Party for the Scully Family, which was being hosted by Bill at his house in South Carolina. It was a beautiful colonial, two story with four bedrooms. The rest of the family had already arrived, judging by the cars parked in the driveway. Scully too, was excited. Mulder could tell by the way she was fidgeting. She smoothed the blue Blazer down and nodded. He rang the bell, and both only had to wait mere seconds before the door was thrown open.

Mrs. Scully's smiling face greeted them. "Dana!!" She squealed and threw her arms around her 'daughter'. Mulder returned the hug. Mrs. Scully turned toward Scully and gave her another crushing hug. "Mulder! How are you? Do come in."

Mulder saw the flash of longing in Scully's eyes as she stared down at the woman wrapped around her. "Hello Mrs. Scully."

"Call me Maggie, okay Mulder?" Maggie broke away from the hug, staring sternly at the tall figure in front of her.

"Alright Mo- Maggie." Maggie smiled and led the new arrivals to the Living room. Matthew, Bill's child was playing a computer game and Bill was with Tara in the kitchen. Charlie yelled a greeting from across the room.

"Hey Dana, Mulder! Come meet Chelsea!" Mulder grabbed Scully's arm and dragged her to Charles, who stood with a tall black haired girl. She flashed white molars at them and stuck out a hand.

"Nice to meet you! I've heard alot about Charlie's sister in the FBI. How is it, working there?"

"Great! It's even better now Mulder's opened up to me about his feelings, if you know what i mean," Mulder whispered conspirationaly and with sly wink.

Scully, hearing Chelsea giggle at something Mulder said glared at him. "Hi, I'm Dana's partner, Fox Mulder."

"Nice to meet you, Agent Mulder."

"Hey, uh, Mulder, I don't know of you want to but Bill and I are going to be playing Beer Pong while Mom's preparing dinner. Want to come?" Mulder, forgetting for a moment that he was Scully started forward. Scully laid an arm across his shoulders, stopping him and nodded at Charlie.

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