Switched- Part Ten Scully

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Scully was jolted awake by Mulder. "SCULLAY!! One more day left! One more day left!" Then he threw himself onto the bed and flopped onto her back.

"Oof!" Scully grunted and rolled over, facing her partner. He was lying on her chest, looking down at her adorably. Scully took in his face, slender, pale, bright blue eyes. She knew, in just 24 hours, he'd be himself again. And who knew what would happen?

"Mulder," She groaned, raising herself up on her elbows. "It's 7:30 in the morning. No one's awake." Mulder wrapped both arms around her torso and buried her head in the crook of her neck.

"I can't believe it Scully." She knew what he was talking about. She barely believed it herself. "We lasted an entire year Scully. How'd we do that?" Scully absentmindedly ran her fingers through his red hair. It would be hers again, soon.

The last few months had been strained, for the both of them. Tensions ran high, especially when Mulder was going through that time of the month. Fights continually broke out, each blaming the other for the state they were in.

"It was your bloody fault Scully! If you hadn't found that Cube we'd be normal!!"

"Nothing happened until you came in! It was just a useless cube and then you somehow activated it!"

"BS! Just face it, Dana, you get us into this situation! You got yourself captured and that Chip in the back of your neck gave them your address! They sent us a trap, Scully!"

In a fit of desperation, She'd screamed angrily at him, words she'd kept tamped down until she finally imploded. "FINE! You know what, Agent Mulder, this is my fault! But this never would have happened if you didn't drag me around the county investigating UFO'S! Which, by the way, AREN'T REAL. So, forgive me for saying so, but Mulder. THIS. IS. ALL. YOUR. FAULT. I never would've been kidnapped if you didn't screw around with Duane Barry! I never would have gotten cancer and almost died! I wish... I wish you never were my partner."

Scully breathed deeply, staring down into Mulder's glassy, dazed blue eyes. She'd finally realized what she'd just said, and how cruel she'd been. She knew Mulder already agonized about it, and she'd literally stabbed him in the heart with her words. She reached out for him, voice breaking. "Mulder, I- I'm sorry. I never should have said-"

"No," He broke in harshly. "You're right. This is my  fault." Then he'd ducked under her arm, grabbed his keys and left. Scully spent the rest of the night, curled up  and sobbing under the blankets she'd shared with Mulder for the past few months. The bed felt awfully cold and empty without him. That had been on October 13th, Mulder's Birthday.

Scully breathed out slowly. The memories hurt her still, even now. She knew she'd hurt her best friend that night. It took 2 weeks of Scully apologizing endlessly to Mulder before he agreed to move back in with her.

"Scully?" Mulder asked, brushing back the stray strands of brown hair that was covering her eyes. "Are you okay?"

"Yes. I'm fine." Scully hugged him too, and they stayed that way for many minutes. The early morning sun shone through the opaque white curtains of the small bedroom they were in. The muffled sounds of the staircase creaking, the clinking of metal alerted them to the fact that someone else was up, and preparing breakfast. Neither of them made a move to help, too comfortable in each other's embrace.

The door cracked open, and Chelsea stuck her head in. A hand covered her eyes, though Scully was sure she was peeking. "Are you two lovebirds Decent? It's time for breakfast!"

"We're fine, Chelsea," Mulder's deep voice rolled smoothly out of her mouth. "Thanks for coming up to get us."

She nodded and removed her hand. "Hey, just being respectful ya know." Mulder got up and offered her a hand. Taking it, he pulled her up and both proceeded to get dressed. Once downstairs, they joined the Scully Family for breakfast. Matthew, who had just recently turned eight, grinned up at 'Uncle Mulder'. The two had become really great friends, mostly because Scully already knew everything Matt liked.

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