Happy Birthday, Scully

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Scully sighed and fixed herself a cup of joe. It was the week of her birthday and she had asked for a vacation. It was also several days after her dog, Queequeg died tragically. The house was a lot quieter now without the playful pomeranian. Scully wasn't quite sure what she'd do in the house all alone today. She would be leaving for Hawaii tomorrow morning and would be back Friday. She was greatly looking forward to three days on the Islands. It would be her birthday treat to herself.

Scully mostly spent the day relaxing in her room, listening to to the radio or catching up on her favorite books, mainly Moby Dick which had always been a family favorite. At around three, her doorbell rang. Scully descended the stairs and went to the door. "Who is it?"

"It's me." She smiled. She knew only one person who would answer with that. She swung open the door to reveal Mulder smiling pleasantly at her in his customary suit. He had his favorite paisley tie on again.

"What brings you here, Mulder? Remember, I'm on my week off."

"I know. I just wanted to see you before you left for Hawaii without me." Scully laughed. He had on this adorable little pout on his face. He seemed relieved to hear her laugh again though. "How are you?"

They sombered up and Scully's gaze was drawn to a chew toy of Queequeg's on the floor. Mulder placed a hand on her shoulder. "Hey. It's alright Dana. Queequeg lived a good life, didn't he? I mean, he was lucky enough to have been taken care of by you." Scully smiled thankfully up at him.

"It's fine. I just miss him a bit." Mulder looked slightly confused. He was probably trying to understand how she had become so attached to a dog. As far as she knew, Mulder had never had a pet before.

"Well, um, I just wanted to drop by. And to say that I've got a surprise for you."

Scully looked up at him in surprise. "What?"

"Well, it's your birthday on Wednesday and since you're off at Hawaii-" That adorable pout again. "I'd surprise you on Saturday. I'll come pick you up here at ten in the morning, alright?"

"Sure." She smiled up at him. It was kinda sweet of him to drop by and prepare a surprise for her. "I'd love that."

"Okay. See you again Scully." He turned to leave. He hesitated at the door and turned back to grin teasingly at her. "You know, Scully, I've never seen you in a bathing suit before."

"Mulder!!" She exclaimed and pushed him out of the door, laughing.


Scully unlocked the door to her house. It was late at night, eleven at least. Her flight had been delayed several hours and though she should have been home at eight, it was eleven. Scully dropped her suitcase into the closet, opting to sort through it tomorrow. As soon as she crawled under the covers of her bed, she fell asleep.

"Scullllyyy.... Sculllyyy.... Wake up..." A gentle rocking woke her up. She buried farther into the covers murmuring something unintelligible. A sigh sounded from above her. "Well, you give me no choice." Someone threw the warm covers off her bed, exposing her to the cool morning air. She groaned lifting her head. Mulder met her eyes, grinning guiltily with her blankets on the floor next to him.

"Mulder? How'd you get in here?"

"You forgot to lock the door. I'm guessing you got here pretty late?" Scully nodded and rubbed her eyes. "I'll leave you to get dressed," He stated and walked off, averting his eyes. Then she looked down and realized she was wearing only a thin, oversized shirt and underwear. Scully yelped.

When Scully descended the stairs wearing jeans and a long flannel shirt, she found Mulder cooking scrambled eggs in her kitchen. Coffee was also brewing, filling the air with its aroma. She dropped onto a chair at the table. Mulder grabbed a plate and placed it in front of her, piled with eggs. She smiled weakly at him, not meeting his eyes. Mulder placed a coffee cup next to her and filled one up for himself. They sipped their coffee and Scully ate the eggs. They were good, but a bit salty.

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