Switched Part Five- Mulder

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After a 13 hour drive from DC, they had finally arrived at George's home. Mulder led the way up the front steps and onto the porch, heels clacking on the floorboards. Unaccustomed to such 'unstable' shoes, Mulder tripped on the last step. He came crashing onto the screen door. Scully ran up to him. "Ugh! Mul- Uh, Scully! You should definitely not wear those heels tomorrow." Mulder nodded in agreement. It would be just flats for him now.

Scully hoisted him up. "Sorry sir- uh, my partner is a little uncoordinated." She smiled at the old man who was peering curiously at them through the screen. "May we come in? We're from the FBI and we'd like to ask you about the incident that occurred in 1932, when you were 18."

George nodded. "Ah, that incident. Come on in." The door swung open, allowing them entrance. Scully entered first, ducking underneath the low doorframe. Mulder followed after quickly pulling on the heels. The agents followed George into the living room where he settled into an armchair. Mulder and Scully took the remaining seats, which happened to be a couch. When they sat, it dipped beneath them, pushing them into the center of the couch together. They exchanged awkward looks. George couched lightly.

"What did you want to ask? That happened years ago."

"Sir," Mulder said, "Can you tell us what happened when you and Allysa Thompson claimed to have switched bodies?" Scully took out a pad and pen, pen poised to take notes.

"I remember it like it was yesterday. Well, Allysa and I well, we hated each other. We were rivals in school, the two best students of our year. We always competed for the best grades and the approval of both teachers and students. That December, our teacher paired us up for a Science project. We went to her house to study, very late into the night. I decided to stay and sleep on the couch, as her parents had left early for winter break. The next morning, we woke up to knocking. I opened the door only to find this box."

At this, Scully and Mulder exchanged excited glances. This was it, they were on the right track.

"We took it inside and it opened. There was a bunch of bright lights and colorful balls flew out of our mouths. Then, I don't know how to explain it. We- we went unconscious and woke up a few hours later in each other's body."

"And how long did you stay this way?" Scully inquired.

"A year." Both agents gasped. A year!?! George looked at them bemusedly. Then suddenly, a spark of understanding lit in his blue eyes.

"Ahh.... I see. You both, Agents Mulder and Scully switched bodies too, didn't you?" Mulder glanced quickly at Scully. Over the years, they'd spent so much time in each others company they were able to read the unspoken messages they sent with their eyes, or a twitch of their lips. With an almost imperceptible nod of Scully's head, Mulder answered.

"Yes. We just uh- switched a few days ago. We er- wanted to talk to someone who'd already been through the experience..."

George nodded understandingly. "We coulda needed someone to talk to back then... Very lonely year it was, mind you. Stay together, is my advice. You two are the only ones who'll ever understand what you're going through. Mark my words, this time next year you two will be very close, if you get my drift." George smirked, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Mulder and Scully blushed, and shook their heads. "We're very close friends, of course," Scully began. "I don't think we'll get any closer than that." She coughed, clearing her throat.

"And why not?! I married Allysa 2 years later, and we've been happily married until she died a year before."

Mulder glanced up at Scully. Though she wore his face, and he had hers, he'd always thought her beautiful. Even before he'd seen the rest of her. Furthermore, he'd begun to develop feelings for his fiery red headed partner. She'd been with him through thick and thin, good and bad. When she'd developed cancer, he had been so afraid of losing her, and had finally admitted to himself he cared for her as more than just a partner. Would it be so bad that she knew that?

"Mulder? Mulder!?" Scully nudged him slightly. "Come on, we're leaving. Thanks George, for your help, maybe we'll see you again."

Back in the car, Mulder opened his mouth to speak, confess maybe. Before he could, Scully burst into tears. "Mulder... Mulder, I-I can't... What am I going to do? A year!! Our j-jobs.... My family.."

Mulder reached across to where Scully sat in the passenger seat. He drew her head down onto his shoulder and let her cry. "Shh Scully. We'll help each other okay? I'll visit your family and you can come too, when you miss them and since you're my girlfriend now we can stay in your apartment and help each other with paperwork and meetings in the FBI.... We'll be fine." He ran slim fingers through dark brown locks. His hair actually was soft.

Finally Scully dried her tears. Her green eyes were still misty with tears, though she did not cry them. "Thank you, I needed that. Let's get home, Mulder."

Sorry guys! I know it's much shorter than my usual, and also really boring. Next one probably one though... Mulder gets to find out first hsnd about certain cycles that happen once a month... Hehe. I will be really awkward for me write though.... 😑

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