Switched Part Eight- Scully

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Northern Vancouver, Canada
Capilano Suspension Bridge Park
January 17
11:28 P.M.

Two teenagers, Mark Summers and Eva Clearlake walked in the woods. Mark was trying to coax her forward. "Come on Eva, please. There's this really cool cave, that's nice and real private. Your dad won't find us there."

"Mark.. I- i don't really want to do this... Can we go somewhere else, please."

"I didn't hike all this way for nothing, Eva let's go." Mark grabbed her arm and pulled her away. Eva cried out and shook him off.

"It takes two people to make it happen Mark. I'm cold and tired, I wanna go home." Eva stomped away, followed quickly by Mark.

"Let me-" A rustle echoed above the trees and a bird winged away. "What was that?" A soft beating sound echoed above the trees and quickly got louder. Leaves swirled around them and small, black shapes fluttered at the corners of their eyes.

Eva screamed as a bough of a tree snapped. She leaped backwards into Mark's arms, burying her face into his camo jacket. Mark stared up at the flying creatures. At once, they swirled down out of the trees and covered the couple. Mark only just made out the glint of red eyes before a blinding pain erupted across his eyelids and he saw no more.

J Edgar Hoover Building, FBI Headquarters
Basement Office of Agents Mulder and Scully
January 19, 8:13 A.M.

Mid January came their first case of the year. Scully had been called to A.D. Skinner's office to be given the case. As she rode the elevator down to the basement, Scully perused the file. Two people dead from a multitude of bat bites. Personally, Scully had never heard of bats attacking people before. She knew they were small, nocturnal, and had echolocation that they used to hunt their prey. Very rarely had they ever been seen by people.

Scully opened the door to find Mulder with his legs raised on the desk, which would've been okay, had he not been wearing a skirt. "Mulder, put your feet down, I can see your underwear."

Mulder smirked over at her, "Miss them? I must say, women undergarments are much more comfortable with their lace and-"

Scully interrupted him. "If you want, you can sit there discussing undergarments or you can come with me and investigate a case..."

Mulder immediately put his feet down and slipped on his shoes. "Why didn't you say so? Let's go!"

Over the next few hours, Mulder was busy ranting about his theories about the case to Scully, who was driving. During the flight to Vancouver, all Mulder could talk about was the behaviors of bats, which surprisingly didn't include them sucking the blood out of people. "The only bat species equipped with the ability to suck out blood are Vampire bats, and even they are strictly restricted to cows and smaller animals. Most bats are actually vegetarian and eat only fruit or flies-"

"Mulder! I know you're excited about our first case of the year, but please! A little peace and quiet?" Scully burst, fed up with the constant chatter. Mulder stared at her in shock, hurt glinting in his eyes.

"Scully, this isn't just our first case of the year, it's our first case like this. So I'm trying to tell you my theories if we're going to play our part." His voice was hushed, trying to convey the message to her. It left Scully shocked, not knowing that his talk wasn't actually just jargon, but important.

"I'm sorry, Mulder. I just... Didn't realize." Scully reached across the armrest and gripped Mulder's hand. "Continue." Mulder grinned and opened his mouth. As they were disembarking, Scully listened attentively to Mulder's two most prominent theories.

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