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Mulder knocked on Scully's door. A few seconds later, it opened, revealing her standing in the door frame. Mulder's jaw almost dropped in awe. Scully had traded her pantsuit for a more elegant blue dress. It flowed down her creamy legs and stopped just above her knees. The neck line veered down in a V shape, revealing the soft creamy skin of her neck. The shoulder length red hair had been curled into soft ringlets that framed her face beautifully. "You ready Mulder?" She asked breaking into his thoughts.

"Yep, right this way m'lady." He performed a mock bow and led her to his car. "You look great, by the way," He complimented her as they sat down. Scully's eyes took in the black tux he wore.

"You don't look too bad yourself, Mulder. Are you ready for the party?"

"Urgghh...." Mulder groaned as he started to drive downtown.

"It won't be too bad! It's just going to be some dancing, a few drinks or two. Who knows, maybe you'll find a girl Mulder!" He scoffed at her words. Did she really think that? He knew quite well that he'd just be sulking in the corner, as he did in most Company Functions. Skinner had forced him to go claiming that, "It would improve the other Agent's views on you, Mulder." Scully of course, had agreed. She hadn't been to a good party in a while and though she wasn't that keen on socializing, missed the company of other human beings as well.

The two Agents exited their car, Mulder giving the keys to Valet. He offered Scully his arm as they ascended the steps which she took with a smile. They proceeded to the Ballroom the FBI had rented for the Party. Mulder wasn't quite sure why there was even a party. Something along the lines of the Bureau's 80th Anniversary. When they entered the Ballroom, they were assaulted with the sound of loud orchestra music. Already, people danced on the floor, twirling their partners. A.D. Skinner was there too, dancing with a female Agent. He didn't look too happy though. Mulder took their coats and Scully's bag and checked them in at the Coat Check-In. When he came back to her she seemed to be tapping her heeled feet to the music.

Taking her cue, Mulder offered his hand and said, "May I have the honor of this first dance?" She laughed at the aristocratic voice he had used.

"You may," Scully replied and took his hand. Mulder twirled Scully and swayed to the music, which was slightly fast. With his hand on her waist and one clutching hers, they danced. As the piece ended, a round of applause broke out for the musicians. Mulder led Scully to the table where food and drinks were laid out.

"Mulder, where did you learn where to dance?" Scully was slightly breathless and a few beads of sweat had collected on her scalp, damping her hair. He shrugged. True, he was an excellent dancer but only a few were lucky enough to know that, much less experience it for themselves. Mulder picked up a martini, handed it to Scully and grabbed one for himself. No sooner had Scully finished the glass when another agent asked her for a dance. She looked back at him apologetically but Mulder gestured toward him and she accepted.


Mulder groaned and dragged his hand down his face. He stared at his reflection in the mirror. His tuxedo was rumpled and a red stain marked the lapel of his jacket. Great, another thing he had to launder. Mulder rinsed his hands, reached for a towel and dried them. Taking a deep breath, he pulled open the door.

FBI Agents, Specialists, Support Staff, and Medical Doctors milled about the large room. They were dressed in evening attire, tuxedos, cocktail dresses, the sorts. Mulder immediately headed for the bar where he had spent most of the night in. He hadn't had much to drink though, five beers and a martini were all. Mulder glanced down at his watch. 10:40. He guessed that it would be quite alright if he left, he'd already exceeded the expected time allotment for him.

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