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Chapter One- Mulder

Mulder woke to the sound of his cellphone ringing. "Mulder." He said groggily into the receiver.

"It's me, can you get over here Mulder? A strange package arrived at my door this morning." Scully's voice emitted from the phone. After agreeing to meet Scully in 15 minutes time, Mulder entered his small bathroom and took a quick shower before dressing in jeans and a blue t shirt. He arrived at Scully's place after only ten minutes.

"Hey," He greeted her at the door. "Where's this unidentifiable object you told me about?"

"It's in here. Mulder, I really don't know what it is. Somebody rang the doorbell and when I came down, nobody was there. It was just this boxy package."

"Let me take a look at it." Scully led Mulder into her living room where a white cube the size of a large box sat on her coffee table. When the two of them sat down on the couch facing it, it suddenly started to pulse a bright white.

"That didn't happen before, I swear!" Scully exclaimed. Mulder said nothing, merely staring at the cube in concentration and curiosity. As the seconds ticked on, the pulsing light became darker and turned into an electric blue. They watched as the box started to open, the cover lifting up first, then the sides. The morning light that had previously lit the room darkened in contrast to the blinding rays. Mulder and Scully shielded their eyes as the box opened fully.

Inside, was nothing but light. Pure, intangible light. With a gasp, both Mulder and Scully sat back, frozen and watched as two small globes of light flew from their open mouths. Dark forest green flew from Mulder's and a clear crystal blue from Scully. The globes of light floated around the light of the former cube. The lights mesmerized the two agents as they started to fly through the air faster. In a crescendo of lights, the two globes flew into the open cube and disappeared.

Mulder's eyes started to droop, flickering shut as the lights died and faded away. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he felt Scully's head drop onto his shoulder.


When Mulder woke again, it was hot, signaling that it was now late afternoon. He sat up, taking his head off of Scully's. He had no recollection of what had happened after the light faded. He stood and yawned stretching his arms above his head. Oddly, everything seemed different, a bit bigger somehow. He glanced at the clock above his head. 1:30. Wow. They'd been asleep four and a half hours. Mulder turned to wake Scully from where she still slept on the couch.

He almost yelped in surprise. Sitting on the couch was himself. It was his body, yet he was not in it. With great trepidation, he walked over to a mirror hanging nearby. His reflection was not his. It was Scully's. He raised his err, her hands to touch her face. Mulder felt her soft skin, well defined nose, and long lashes. Definitely Scully's. Whatever had happened with the cube, it had switched their consciousness from his body to hers and vice versa. Turning slowly, he walked back to the couch, Scully's small bare feet sinking into her plush rug.

Mulder hesitated above his body. What if Scully wasn't in his body? What if technically, his body was an empty husk, a shell, devoid of all soul? Would he have to live in Scully's body until he finally died? Shivering at the thought, Mulder leaned down and placed a small hand on his broad shoulder.

"Scully, wake up." Mulder watched as his own eyes opened, watched as the irises dilated. Yawning, Scully stood, still unaware of the fact she was not in fact, in her own figure.

"Hey, Mulder, what-" Finally, she noticed. She stared at him out of his eyes, his body, slack jawed with shock. "W-what? Who are you, what have you done to Mulder!!" Anger shadowed her gaze. "What have you done to me?" Deciding to intervene before her fear overpowered her common sense, Mulder stepped forward.

"Scully! It's me, Mulder, our consciousness have been switched from my body to yours."

"No, I don't believe you." She whispered backing up. Unaccustomed to Mulder's long gangly legs, she tripped over the coffee table and fell. Mulder quickly pulled her up, righting her.

"You have to believe me. I am your partner, Fox William Mulder of the FBI. We've spent four years together working on the X Files, unexplainable phenomenon. I am also known as 'Spooky Mulder' the FBI's most unwanted. In our second year together, you were kidnapped or well, abducted and was in a coma. My sister, Samantha was abducted at eight and I finally found her again. You were held hostage and she... I got you back again." Mulder watched as tears gathered in her eyes, Scully was starting to believe him.

Scully walked forward and folded Mulder's body into his welcoming embrace. They'd done this a few times before but now their roles were switched. "What happened Mulder?"

"After we blacked out? I don't know Scully. I don't know."

I'm sorry this update is so late. It's pretty hard writing them Switched so forgive me. The coming chapters will also be pretty short.... Thanks for 1.2k views and 107 votes! You guys are great! 💜💜💜

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