I Just Knew

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This one-shot occurs during the Season Three Episodes "Blessing Way" and "Paperclip," after Season Two Finale, "Anasazi." I found most of the quotes on http://www.insidethex.co.uk/transcrp/scrp301.htm http://www.insidethex.co.uk/transcrp/scrp225.htm http://www.insidethex.co.uk/transcrp/scrp302.htm
Also, if you want me to update faster, please send in some ideas! Thank you!

Scully burst into Albert Hosteen's house, her eyes immediately falling onto the old man, sitting on a chair. His son who she just knew as "Hosteen" was holding an icepack to a puffy bruise on his father's cheek. "What happened?" She asked, scanning the messy room.

"There were men," Hosteen said. Albert looked up, his eyes weary.

"They were looking for your partner." Just then, Eric, Albert's grandson walked in, face purple and puffy. Scully's eyes widened in shock.

"Where is he?" Scully demanded but the look on Eric's beaten face told her everything she needed to know.

Scully ran swiftly down the tumbled red rocks, to the still smoking hole in the ground. Surrounding it was shiny silver metal, the boxcar. She fell to her knees at the hole. She peered into the darkness, coughing as she inhaled the smoke. Desperately, she called her partner's name. "Mulder!!" Her cry echoed around the red rocks, spreading on for miles until she herself couldn't hear it any more. Tears formed in her eyes. Mulder was dead. He was dead.

A single tear dripped from her lashes and fell into the demolished interior of the boxcar.


Scully drove down the dark, barely lighted road. The only actual source of illumination came from the headlights of the rented car, allowing her to maneuver the vehicle on the rough, pitted road. A whooshing, beating sound echoed above her and a light shone brightly from behind. Blinking and squinting against the brightness of the light, she pressed on the brakes.

The yells of the army soldiers who disembarked from the chopper filled her still ringing ears. She was pulled roughly out and searched, the soldier not quite caring where he put his hands. "Against the car!" Taking her chance to find out more, Scully yelled against the whipping wind.

"Where's Agent Mulder?!"

"Turn and face away!" After confiscating her gun, the same soldier demanded, "Where are the files?" Scully taking a deep breath, answered honestly.

"In the trunk." After motioning for a trooper to check the trunk, she rifles through Scully's bag and briefcase. Spotting the files, she takes them but shakes her head. "We need the DAT copy!" Scully shakes her head, she doesn't have the tape. "Who has it then?" He demands, face screwed into an expression of aggression.

"Agent Mulder." Scully watched as the helicopter lifted off and the lights faded away. She stood, reveling in the feeling of hope. Mulder wasn't dead. She could feel it. He was out there, somewhere, alive and breathing. And Scully would wait. However long it took, she'd wait for him.


Scully collapsed into her bed, exhausted from the day's events. Firstly, she'd found out that a computer chip had somehow found its way into the skin of her neck. Then, she was being questioned for the 'disappearance' of Mulder and was under suspicion of conspiring with him. The only thing that kept her going was the Feeling.

Mulder wasn't dead. The overwhelming sensation kept growing, almost constricting her lungs with the knowledge that her partner was not dead, not yet. The logical side of her of course, fought against the feeling, reminding it that there had been no sign of the body. Not now, and probably not ever. 'But,' her heart argued. 'It's because Mulder wasn't hurt, and he's probably coming back to me, right now.' It was the first time her heart had ever beat logic and scientific facts. She had no idea why now, but she would trust her heart, for once.

Scully drifted off into sleep. Colors and stars swirled in her mind, filling it with the image of a beautiful starry night sky. Mulder appeared smiling gently at her. "I have been on the bridge that spans two worlds, the link between all souls by which we cross into our own true nature. You were here today, looking for truth that was taken from you, a truth that was never to be spoken but which now binds us together in dangerous purpose. I have returned from the dead to continue with you... but I fear that this danger is now close at hand... that I may be too late." His greyish green eyes glitter with newfound knowledge, and it fills her with hope. He seems to grin at her before he fades away.

She bolts upright, breathing hard. Mulder! He was alive! He was coming, coming back... He said there was danger, and he may be too late. A feeling of dread rolls over her. "Please, Mulder. Come back, before it's too late!"


Scully glares at her boss, sitting there on Mulder's couch. Was he here to kill her? "How high does it go, Skinner? Who's pulling the strings?" She demands, her voice shaking with anger.

Skinner replies, his voice low. "You can kill me Scully, but you'll only be doing their work for them. Forget about your job and family. You'll spend the rest of your life behind bars, there isn't a federal judge that they couldn't persuade."

"What's the alternative, let you you kill me now?" He looks at her, almost shocked.

"I didn't come here to kill you. I've come to give you something. I've got the digital tape."

"You're lying," She hisses.

"I got it in my pocket. I took it out of Mulder's desk." They stare intensely at each other for a few moments, each trying to gauge how much they can trust the other. The sound of soft footsteps outside the door alert them to the coming intruder. As Scully is distracted by the noise, Skinner pulls out his gun, pointing it at her.

The door bangs open, revealing Mulder. He strides quickly into the room, gun already trained on Skinner. He glances at Scully, eyes wide and concerned. She's missed the vibrant green of his irises and the bright sparkle in them. He directs his attention back to his boss. "Drop your weapon! I said-"

"Back off!"

"I said put it down!" Mulder glares Skinner, who is also glaring. "You okay Scully?" He asks her out of the corner of his mouth.

"Yeah," She answers back breathlessly, relieved and a little surprised at his return.

"Grab his gun." Scully does as she is asked, pulling Skinner's gun away from his tight grasp. After Mulder finally decides to let Skinner keep the tape with the parting words, "Then you better make sure it doesn't." Scully follows Mulder back outside in the hallway, after giving Skinner his gun. Her mind is reeling with his words.

"Your cigarette-smoking friend killed my father for that tape, and then he killed me."

"I was a dead man. Now, I'm back."

Scully catches up to Mulder, just as he presses the button for the elevator. "Mulder I am..." He looks down at her.

"Scully, whatever you're going to say..."

"I went to your father's funeral. I told your mother you were going to be okay." Mulder's gaze lights up in surprise.

"How did you know?" He whispers, looking into Scully's blue eyes. Scully, in turn, places a hand on his cheek.

"I just knew," She murmured, closing her eyes. Without seeing it, she knew Mulder was leaning down, his breath brushing her lips. Mulder's lips dropped gently onto hers, caressing them softly. The ding of the elevator interrupts them. Scully opens her eyes, meeting Mulder's, just centimeters away. His eyes glow with happiness and he takes her hand, leading her into the elevator, where his lips resume its place on hers once again.

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