Back With Me

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"Snoke wants to see us." I turned around to see Hux standing in the doorway of the training room. His hands behind his back. He turns to leave and I quickly follow.

"Hux. Ren. Skywalker is done with training. The scavenger is fully trained now. They are both together. We have gotten news of them being on a planet not too far from here. Go, get the girl. Make her turn. She is stronger than Kylo. Make her turn on Skywalker. Train her as one of us. Then bring her to me."

"Yes, Lord Snoke." Hux and I said in unison. We turned to leave but,
"Ren stay." Fear washed over me. What if he saw my dream?

"Yes, Lord Snoke?"

"Fail me this time and you die." And with that he disappeared.

'Kylo? I don't know if this is working but I spoke with Master Luke about Force Bonds and he said we can communicate through thoughts.'
I was in my room in the middle of setting up plans for when I go to get her.

'Yes. Yes. I know.'
I wish she would stop talking to me. At least for the moment.

'You were afraid earlier is everything okay? I spoke with your mom. About our dream thing. She wants you home Kylo.'
I said nothing. A few minutes have passed. Hopefully she got the message I don't wanna talk.


'What?' This came out more harsh than I meant.

'Are you going to come home?'

'When the time is right.'
I then remembered one with a Force Bond can shut the other out for a while. So with that thought I put of my walls.

Night fell upon me but I couldn't sleep. I have to kidnap her. They want me to go on the planet alone and take her so we can start training right away. I made my mind blank and started normal child Jedi training exercises to ease my mind. I made my lamp float alone with my pillows. Soon it was morning and Hux came into my room and told me it was time for me to leave and go for her.

I'm not sure what planet they were on but it pure forest. It was sun down when I arrived.
'Kylo I know you're here.'
She startled me. I was walking alone in the darkening forest when her voice came to me.

'Not nice to startle people'

'Same to you. Why are you here? I know it's not because you want to come home.'
She showed me a image of where their camp was. By a waterfall. I listen closely now. Trying to hear for it. Another hour of walking and I hear the rushing sound of the waterfall. I start to run towards it. When I fall.

"Going to tell me what you're doing here?" It's Rey. She tripped me with her shaft. Before she could speak I stood up and made her pass out. I took her into my arms and started carrying her like I did before.

Another hour has past and I'm close to my ship. I look down at Rey, the moon light was caressing her features. I want her to wear her hair down again.
Stop Kylo! You're on a mission. I kept repeating that in my head until I saw my ship. I picked up the pace when I felt a presence behind me.
"Uncle." I say through gritted teeth.

"Ben." I turn around to see my uncle. He's older now and looks more frail.

"It's Kylo Ren."

"So I've heard. But I knew you as Ben and you will stay Ben in my eyes." Flashes of me and him training together dance in my head.

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