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Rey has been training with me for about a month. We have been sleeping in our own beds and I went back to being Kylo. I made Ben stay inside me. For a couple of weeks I was Ben until I remembered my mission.

It was time for bed now. I just got done eating a quick dinner while Rey was taking a walk. She has become very strong. I stripped off my clothes and put on some black sweats for bed. I haven't had nightmares since Rey and I got stitches again. Sleep was so new to me. Sleep soon took me.

"Kylo remember your mission. Continue towards the light and you and the girl will die."  I saw nothing but darkness, I then saw a bright white light. It was so small. It then started to move side to side.
"Kylo." It whispered
"Kylo." It whispered

"Kylo!" I fluttered my eyes open to find Rey standing above me, tears in her eyes. I shot up.

"What's wrong Rey!?" Rey came closer and I wrapped my arms around her, rubbing her back.

"Shhhhh it's okay I'm here." She cried a little harder.

"I want Ben back." Her words made me stop for second.

"There is no Ben." I let her go.

"I hate being around you like this. Mean. Emotionless. When I first got here you. You. Were everything to me." She hugged herself.

"It's too late for me." Rey sat down by me and grabbed my face. She inched it closer to her's, our noses rubbing.

"Kylo." She whispered. I then moved my face to kiss her. She didn't kiss back at first but then our lips started to melt perfectly within one another. I moved down towards her neck kissing and sucking a spot that made her whimper.

"Kylo." She whimpered. I stopped and lifted my head.

"Ben. Call me Ben." She smiled at me and it made my heart pound.

"Put on one of my shirts and lay in bed with me." I laid back down getting under my black satin sheets. She grabbed one of my shirts and went to the bathroom to change. She came out and climbed in bed with me. I pulled her into my chest.

"Why do you want me to wear your shirt?"

"You look amazing in them." I stated softly and kissed her forehead.

"They barely fit! It hangs off in all the wrong places. You see too much skin."
I tighten my grip around her waist

"That's the point." I could tell she could see my smirk because she rolled her eyes in the moonlight. Her eyes were so beautiful.

"Goodnight my Rey." She tighten her arm around my chest.

"Goodnight Ben."

I soon felt her breathing slowly, her eyes closed. She looked so peaceful. Being called Ben again made me feel different. It made me feel like a new person.

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