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*Next Morning*
Ben's P.O.V.
I woke up to the sheets draped across my body, bright sun light shinning into the white room and no Rey. I started to smell bacon and other food I couldn't quite make out. I fixed the bed, smiling at the clothes and rose petals everywhere. I went into the one of the black doors in the room and found that the one by the balcony is the closet. I walked to find the right side mine, and the left Rey's. I went the the second door across the room to find a white and black marble bathroom. I took a quick shower and threw on black sweatpants. I grabbed our clothes and threw them in the basket in the hallway to be washed. I walked down the staircase towards our red kitchen to see Rey making eggs in one of my black dress shirts. I smiled at her. Her hair was down and messy and my shirt went a little above her knees. I sat at the counter waiting for her to notice me. She turned around and screamed. I busted out laughing. My sides started to hurt.
"I'm glad you think it was funny." She huffed putting the eggs on the plates, with bacon and waffles. She then poured a pitcher of orange juice as I continued to laugh.

"Oh come on! You know I love you!" I stated between laughs/gasps for air.

"Yeah. Yeah. I know." She sat across from me at the counter and began to pour herself some syrup. I watched her, not even thinking about my food. Syrup ran down the side off her mouth and I leaned across the counter and slid my tongue on the trail so I could clean it up. Or mess with her. Either way the syrup was gone. She blushed.

"Don't look at me while I eat." She hugged again.


"I'm ugly." She didn't meet my eyes.

I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder and carried her upstairs. She was hitting my back and yelling but I dint care. I threw her on the bed and in bottom my shirt in her. She had nothing underneath.
"Tell me what's not beautiful!" I had a knee on each side of her.

"Everything." She whispered.

I kissed the top of her head. All of her face. All of her neck. Both of her arms. All of her chest. All of her stomach. Both of her hips. Both of her legs and feet. I kissed her womanhood softly. I got between her legs and rested my chin in her stomach. And looked at her.
"You're beautiful to me." Silent tears fell from her eyes.

"I love you so much Ben." She ran her fingers through my hair.

Later that Day
"Benny! We have a hologram call!" Rey shouted from downstairs. I ran down to find her in the office and my mother stood as a small, blue figure.

"Ben, Rey. I hope you are enjoying your time away. But. We have word that Snoke was training a new Sith Lord."

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