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I woke up to Rey having one of her legs around my waist and her head resting on my chest. Last night I was weak. But was she right? Am I still Ben?
Soon her eyes fluttered open and it only made me tighten my grip around her waist. I don't want to get up. I wanna stay here and hold her.
"Good morning." She said in a groggy voice.

"Morning beautiful." Her cheeks went red and it only made me chuckle.

"You have a deep voice!"
"Well thanks. I am a man you know." She sat up and looked out the window in front of my bed.

"Are you?" She asked this playfully but I went more intense then she intended.

"Want proof?" I smirked at her and her face went red. I couldn't hold back my laugh.

"Shut up!" She got up and walked towards the kitchen. Seeing her in my shirt was killing me.

I walked into the bathroom and started the shower. The soap stung my back but it still felt good. I got out and threw on some black sweats and a black tank top. I walked towards the kitchen with a sweet smell hitting my nose.

Rey's P.O.V.
I was humming to myself as I made waffles for Kylo and I. I put the last waffle on the plate when I smelled soap. If smelled heavenly. I turned around to see Kylo in black sweats and a black tank top. The tank top was sticking to his chest because of the water and I could see his muscular frame. I felt my whole body become warm. Great. My whole body was blushing.

"Breakfast." I mumbled. He strides towards me and looks down at me and smirks. He's so handsome. He leans over me and grabs a plate and backs up a little and says

"I try to be handsome. But I was already blessed with these features." He's so cocky but I know he's just kidding. We begin eating and after he's done eating he pats his stomach and says

"That was really good Rey." His hair is still damp and it's in his eyes and it makes my heart flutter.

"I try to be a good cook. But I was already blessed with these skills. He starts to laugh. I love hearing him and watching him laugh. I know I got to Ben last night. I think he is starting to shine through a bit I just gotta keep trying.

"Training!" He stands up abruptly and flashes me a smile.

"You need a shower." He pinches his nose.

"Do I stink that bad Kylo?" I look up at him with puppy eyes.

"Yes." And he pinches his nose harder, I stand up and run towards him and he only runs away.

"Ahhhhhh! Get away you stinky person! You monster!" He fake cries. This is Ben. Ben is awesome.

He makes a sudden turn into a marble white room. I look around for a second and it's a bathroom. Damnit. He tricked me. I notice he isn't in front of me anymore. I hear the door shut and he's holding onto the knob on the other side so I can't get out. I sigh and pull off Kylo's shirt and my underwear and step in. The warm water hits my back making me wince but it also feels nice.

I step out and find a fluffy, white towel and wrap it around my body. I open the door to see Kylo sitting on the floor in front of me. His eyes widen as he saw me.

Kylo P.O.V.
Rey stepped out and I felt my heart skip. Steam was around her and she was glowing. Her body still wet from the shower makes my heart pound. Damn she's beautiful I thought. She gives me a bright smile. I clear my throat and say

"I was waiting for you to get down so I can walk you back to your room."

"Well thank you Master Kylo Ren." I started walking with her in toe.

Master. I like the sound of that.

"Get dressed and then we train." I turned and went to my room.

About 10 minutes later she was ready. She knocked on my door wearing black leggings and a black tank top. We walked outside into a clear area of grass with trees around.

"I want you to stand on your hands without your head touching the ground. I then want you to lift objects around you." I pulled out a book, rock, ball, pillow and other stuff she could lift with the force.

"My uncle taught me this." I stared at the ground.

"Well he never taught me this." She then did as I said. Hours later we were done.

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