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~3 Weeks Later~
Ben's P.O.V.
It's been three weeks since Snoke has been dead but I'm still in the infirmary. I can get out today but I'm not telling Rey. I got Finn, Poe, and Luke to help me set up a surprise for her.

Rey's P.O.V.
I've been sleeping in Ben's bed for the past three weeks. I see him everyday but I want him with me.

I woke up before the sun was even up. I went to Ben's bathroom and took a shower. I grabbed an apple and made my way to Ben's room. I didn't even knock I just walked in. Ben was laying in bed still asleep, so I sat in my normal seat and ate my apple. Soon his eyes flutter open.

"Rey I gotta give you this paper. I want you to follow what it says don't even try to talk back just go." He handed me a folded up piece of paper. I opened it,

Dear Rey,
Go to the place where the sky meets the land. There waiting for you will be your first friend.
~Love Ben

"What? I don't understand." Ben gave me a smirk.

"Just go! Goodness, it's a easy riddle. Not even a riddle." He started laughing. I stood up and kissed his cheek and left the room.

The Ocean!

I started running towards these stairs that lead down to the beach. The sea breeze hit my face making me cool down from all my running. I stopped running when I saw red petals at the bottom of the stairs. I slowly followed the petals, a crazy grin on my face. About five minutes I saw Finn and BB-8. I ran up and hugged Finn and tried my best to hug BB-8. Finn pulled out a paper and began to read.

"This is my letter to you. I will give you Ben's in a second.
Dear Rey,
You've done a lot for me and I've done a lot for you. You have been my best friend. I have seen you grow from a girl who has never seen the world to a woman who has looked danger in the face. You inspire slot of people, me being one of them. You are our new hope! You've be someone's light when he only had darkness. I see now how much you truly love Ben, and I know how much he loves you. So I wish you guys the best." He gave me a big smile and hugged him tight. He then handed me a another paper. I opened it my hands shaking.

Dear Rey,
Do you now see how you impact so many people!? Go to the person that gave you a new life.
~Love Ben

I gave one more hug to Finn and patted BB-8. I then started running to Luke's. Luke lived in a cabin in the nearby woods.

I came upon the small wooden cabin, perfect for one person and knocked on the door. I had goosebumps across my body anticipating the next letter. Luke soon answered and he wore a smile.
"Well what do I owe this pleasant visit to?"

"You know why I'm here Luke!" He just started laughing.

"Yes, yes come in. Have a seat." He gestured for me to come in. I took a seat on a small wooden stool by his stone fireplace. He sat across from me in a wooden rocking chair.

"Before I give you his letter I want to say, I agree to you having a relationship. All Jedis know what love is. If it's a family member or a person they just saw. Never deny your feelings towards something Rey." He then handed me a letter. I opened it fast.

Dear Rey,
Never will I deny my feelings for you. When I first saw you I pushed them down inside me. But now. Love is all I feel when I'm near you, when I think about you or when someone mentions you.
Go to the woman that gave you a new home.
~Love Ben

I gave Luke a hug, which surprised him. He hugged back and laughed. I then ran back to base, to General's office. It was afternoon now. I didn't stop running until I got to her door. Before I could knock she opened it.
"Come in Rey." I took a seat on her couch, she sat by me.

"I have your letter but I would like for you to call Leia for now on. General sounds too strict." I gave her a weak smile and nodded.

"You're a strong young woman Rey. You brought my son back home, and for that I am forever in debt to you." She handed me another letter and I opened it.

Dear Rey,
Home is the people who make it so. Go see the best pilot and copilot. Go to the stars.
~Love Ben.

I thanked Leia and started to run towards Poe's game room. I swung the door open trying to catch my breath.
"Ever heard of walking? I couldn't do all that running." Poe started laughing. Standing next to Poe was Chewie.

"You gave this place new hope. You've impacted so many people and you've changed a man that we all feared." Poe stated.

"You brought home a broken man just so you can fix him again. I thank you." Chewie roared. Chewie handed me a letter. I wasted no time in opening it.

Dear Rey,
Go alone to the place that I was forever changed. There. I will be waiting.
~Love Ben

I hugged Chewie and Poe tight and ran to a Alliance Starfighter. Once inside I made my way back to the planet Ben and I trained. Once there I saw Ben's old ship. I made my way out of the Starfighter and towards his ship. In front of the ship was a path made of white rose petals, and candles on each side of the path. I smiled. I followed the path for wait seemed like hours when I came upon the lake. There I saw a figure standing in the moonlight.
"Ben?" I asked.

"Not who you wanted?" He turned around and gave me a smirk.

He came up to me pulled me into an tight embrace. He kissed my forehead and took both of my hands in his and stared at me. Candles then came floating towards us and made a circle in the air around us.
"Rey, we haven't been together that long but I can't see myself without you. You saw at my worst and now you're seeing me at my best. Usually it's the guy who saves the girl but in our case the girl saved the guy. You saved me from myself. I felt like there was no good left until I dreamt of you. You gave me hope. You gave me a reason to even keep going. You are my Light Rey. You are my breath. You are my blood. You are my world. So today was just showing you what you mean to me and everyone around you. I'm in love with you. And I want to go old with you. Have some nasty wrinkles and sore feet with you. My love for you will never die. So Rey let me shut up and get to the point.
Will You Marry Me?" Ben got down on one knee and took out a box and opened it. Inside was a big, white diamond that reflected the sky. I felt tears rushing down my face.

"Yes." I whispered.
"Yes!" I shouted and I jumped on him, wrapping my legs around his waist as he held me. He placed thousands of kisses on my face, crying himself.

After a while he took my hand lead me back to his ship.
"Let's go home and start over on life." I stopped and pulled him into a deep kiss. Tears of joy still running down my face.

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