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We soon landed on the Resistance base. The planet was a jungle type. Muggy and humid. My mother and others waited outside of the base. My heart pounded. Thoughts raced through my head.
Is this the right thing to do?
What if she hates me?
What if they all hate me?

Rey's touch pulled me out of my thoughts she was holding my hand.
"It's going to be okay. Let's go." I tighten my girl as my ship's door opened sending warmth my way. The sun shined so bright I closed my eyes for a second.

Rey lead me down and the base was silent. All eyes on me.
"Murder." People mumbled as we past. I tighten my girl on Rey's hand *not hurting her* every time I heard that word. Soon we in front of my mother. Before I could speak she raised her hand and slapped my right cheek. Tears in her eyes. Tears stung my eyes now. She wrapped her arms around me.
"I knew you would come home." She silently cried in my chest for a while before leading us inside the base. We were in her office when door swung wide open. In the doorway was Chewie.

He charged at me and then wrapped his hands around my neck yelling
"He loved you and you killed him!" I started to cry and he let go, staring. He then left the room crying himself. I turned around to face my mother again and then Rey wrapped her arms around my waist. Yet again sending signs that I was doing the right thing.

"Poe will show you your apartment, as well as Rey's." I nodded, so did Rey and we followed Poe. Before I left the room I turned back to see my mom sitting at her desk her face in her hands crying.

"You're the pilot." I said to Poe still following him through the endless halls.

"That'll be me." He looked over his shoulder.

"Heard you changed Kylo. People here don't trust you or welcome you. You have to earn those things. Once you earn them, you'll be family to us all." The rest of the walk was silent and Rey grabbed my hand stroking her thumb on my hand. I sighed. She knew when to calm me.

"This is your apartment Kylo." He nods to a white door that says 264.

"Thank you and call me Ben." Poe nodded.

"And this is your apartment Rey." He nodded to another white door that said 266. Right across the hall from mine.

"Thanks Poe." Rey and I said in unison. Poe swagger off leaving Rey and I alone.

"Let's see your room first!" Rey shouted.

"Alright Alright." I opened my door and held it open to her.

"wow." Rey mumbled.
You had a hallway from the door that had a closet, a long mirror, a bench, and hooks to hang stuff. The walls were a tan and the floor was a light wooden color.

Rey and I walked further into my place and we walked into what seems to be a living room. It had a long brown couch, brown chairs and a glass coffee table in the middle. It has white plush carpet and behind all this was a window. This window starts at the end of the wall and goes all the way to the kitchen. The walls in here are peach. Under the coffee table are a bunch of games to play.
"Look at this view!" Rey ran to the window and loped out to the view. The view was a ocean and a beach. Rey loves the ocean. I came behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist, she placed her head on my shoulder.

"Let's look at the kitchen!" She ran towards the kitchen. The walls in there are peach as well. It has an island in the middle, a big stove, a refrigerator and a breakfast bar. The cabinets are brown. They had black stools for the breakfast bar.

We moved to another hallway far from the kitchen. We opened a door to a big white bathroom. A glass shower caught my eye because of its size. We then moved to a door at the end of the hallway. We opened it to dark blue walls, a bed with white a comforter and pillows. White night stands on each side of the bed, with white lamps. The carpet was the same blue as the walls. Rey ran out to a balcony. After we were done with my room we ran to her room.

Her room is the same as mine but she does not have windows or a balcony. We spent the rest of our time before dinner in her room playing hide and seek. I feel like such a child. When dinner was ready Rey took my hand and we walked to the cafeteria. The whole room went silent. People watching us as we got our food. They started to give me small amounts of food until Rey eyed them. We sat down at our own table and people started to talk again.

When we were done eating and done talking about Rey's time of Jakku a man came up behind me and dumped his glass of water on my head. Making waves of laughter fill my ears. I was about to lose it when Rey got up touched my shoulder.
"Oh my bad Crylo!" The man said between laughs. I heard a crack. I turned around to see that Rey punched him in the nose and it's bleeding. She broke it.

"Shut up now and listen! His name is Ben Solo! He regrets everyday what he did! I can feel what he feels! He is risking his life from turning back to the light! And if you have a problem with him you have a problem with me! I know he had to earn trust and friends and he will! But leave him the fuck alone until then!" Her face was pink and people stared at her in shock. She grabbed my arm and we jogged back to my room.

"Take a shower Benny." She placed her hand on my cheek and I leaned my head into it. I walked off the bathroom and took a shower.

When I was done I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked to my room. I pulled out grey lounge pants and a white t-shirt. I walked out of closet to see Rey standing out on my balcony. Her long hair blowing slightly in the wind. She was wearing a white silk nightgown. She made my heart pound. I walked up behind her wrapped my arm around her waist and put my head in the crook of her neck. I could tell see was smiling.

"This view is so beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you my Rey." She turned around, her back now on the railing. She then placed her lips on mine and we started to kiss passionately. Minutes pass when she pulled away.

"I'll into my room now." She started to walk out of my room. I grabbed her hand.

"Stay with me. Please." I pulled her into an embrace when she nodded her head yes. She jumped in the middle of the bed and then to the right and laid down. I went on the left and turned out my lamp. I pulled her into my chest making her wrap a leg around my waist and a arm around my torso.

"Goodnight baby girl."

"Goodnight Ben."
Soon she fell asleep. I soon followed.

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