In My Arms

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Rey's P.O.V.
We arrived back at the resistance. General came running up to Chewie who was carrying her son. She fell to her knees. I didn't know if Ben was breathing or not after Luke started to work on him in the ship. I felt my world falling apart. I can't be without him. I told him everything. He was my first love. Ben come back to me!

I never got off the ship. It was now dark when I heard someone come in.
"Rey." I turned around to see Finn in the doorway.

"Is he alive?" I asked, never leaving his eyes.


"You tell me right now if he is alive!" I shouted, tears rushing down my cheeks. Finn came towards me and wrapped his arms around me.

"He might not make it." He whispered. I ran off the ship making my way to the infirmary. I never stopped running. I heard Poe calling my name but I never responded.

"Where is he!?" I shouted at the nurse at this desk.

"Rey he is not well enough for anyone to come in." She tried to sit me down in the waiting room but I wouldn't sit. I needed to see him. I needed him in my arms again.

"Let her see him." I looked up from the floor to see General in the doorway. I walked to her and she pulled me into an embrace.
"He's in room 44." She gave me a weak smile and went to sit.

I slowly made my way down the hallway to his room. 40. 41. 42. 43.44...
I stopped in front of the door about to knock,
"Rey? Come in please." I slowly opened the door and kept my eyes to the floor. I closed it behind me and made my way to a seat by his bed. I started to fiddle with my hands in my lap.
"Look at me please. I need to see your eyes." My heart leapt. I slowly lifted my head to see Ben shirt less but having his torso wrapped. Blood peeking through the bandages. He was so pale. He got a tan when I was with him but it's gone now. He slowly lifted his hand to rub the tears from my eyes. I grabbed his hand and held it tight.
"Don't leave me Ben." I felt my throat go tight. I was holding back sobs.

"Boy everyone thinks I'm dying. But I'm not going anywhere." He gave me a famous smirk but I couldn't smile.

In came a nurse I haven't seen before.
"Ben! Rey! I spoke with the Doctor that did surgery on Ben. He should heal nicely!"

I turned to Ben and wrapped my arms around him and climbed on top of him and started sobbing. It seemed like hours before I had no tears left.

"Ok if I'm going to heal nicely you have to get off. My body is killing. I feel my lungs clasping!" He started to fake cry. I playfully smacked his face. I pulled him into a deep kiss.

"He should be well enough in a week to go back his apartment." My cheeks went a pink because apparently the nurse stayed.

~Hours Pass~
I've never left his room. He fell asleep after a while. I was still holding his hand in mine. I couldn't let go. I almost lost him. I never want us to be apart again. It pains me to see him like this. So close to death. But he will heal. He will heal.

"You should go back to the apartment Rey." I turned my head to see Finn in the doorway.
"You've been here since 10pm last night. It's now 5:36am. Go get some rest for him." He gave me a smile and walked away.

I got up and kissed Ben on the cheek.
"I will be back I promise." I whispered to him, not wanting to wake him.

I made my way back to my apartment and changed into a grey nightgown. I tried to sleep but I couldn't. I went across the hall to Ben's. No one was in the hallway as my feet made echoes as I walked. The cool tile upon my feet was waking me up some more. I opened the door and felt relaxed. I went into his closet and changed into a shirt he wore before. It smelled like him. I crawled into his bed and hugged his pillow, still smelling him. I need him in my arms. I soon fell asleep.

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