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*This chapter is 50 Shades of Reylo!*
No one's P.O.V.
Ben just landed the ship on the planet where Rey and him trained. He had yet another surprise for her waiting.

Ben put a blindfold over Rey's eyes and guided her to the surprise.
"Ok. Ok. 1...2...3!" Rey pulled off her blind fold and gasped at the sight. It was a house. The house was made from pine trees. It had big windows and a green door.

"When did you do this!?" Rey shouted as Ben twirled her around.

"A littler before I proposed to you. People at the base helped build it." He sat her down gently as he pulled out a key to the door.

"How did you know I was going to say yes?" She crossed her arms.

"Baby. You can't say no to me even if you tried." He gave a smirk that made her blush Crimson.

He opened the heavy door and before Rey could go in he picked her up bridal style. After they were in he shut the door.
"That reminded me of old times." He smiled at her.

"Yes, Finn told me you carried me like that when you first caught me."

"If you wanted I could've had a short stormtrooper carry you over their shoulder as your head slid across the ground." They both laughed.

"Tour?" He asked holding out his arm.

"Lead the way Ben." She took his arm but he didn't move. He shot her a evil glare. Great she thought, he has a comment.

"It's Master tonight Love." Rey felt her whole face turn red. He laughed and lead her out of the entrance way.

Ben took Rey up white marble stairs. At the top the hallway had white, plush carpet. He took her hand in his and pulled her to a black door. He turned to face her. He was smirking.
"Call this a tour?" Rey put her hand on her hips.

"I didn't say where the tour would be." He shrugged his shoulders.

"And where will this tour take place?"

"The bedroom." Rey's face went red at his comment.

He opened the door to reveal a white king sized bed with rose petals forming a heart on top of the comforter. White candles that smelled like vanilla were lit on the black nightstands. Before Rey could turn around to Ben, he picked her up and threw her onto the bed. She started laughing.
"Keep laughing princess." He smirked at her.

Ben took off his tie, jacket and kicked off his shoes. He slowly climbed on top of Rey making her blush hard. When they were face to face Rey said
"Hi." Ben tried to hold back a laugh. She was so innocent.

"Hey Babygirl." She blushed even more.

Rey put her right hand on the back of Ben head making him kiss her. Their lips moved together. Both full of hunger for each other. His tongue went across her bottom lip asking for access which Rey denied.
"Don't wanna do that babygirl." He placed his lips back on hers and soon his tongue asked again and she denied. He pulled away and pulled Rey into his lap. He leaned on the headboard and started to explore her neck with his tongue. Rey suppressed moans as he found a spot that made her squirm. He started kissing her collar bone and then out of no where he grabs her ass hard. She lets out a gasp but Ben filled her mouth with his tongue. Rey pulled away biting his lip softly. Ben let out a hungry groan for her.

Rey started to unbutton Ben's shirt. Ben threw it to the floor revealing his toned chest. Rey traced her hands over his chest. Scars everywhere. Ben watched her intently. She bent down and started to kiss them all.
"You're still handsome Ben." She looked up at him with pure love in her eyes.
"I fucking love you so much babygirl." Before she could say it back Ben started to untie her dress. He slowly pulled it off as Rey chuckled from him struggling. Rey was wearing lace white bra and underwear set. Rey crawled to the end of the bed and unbuckled Ben's belt. He slipped off his pants and he slowly pushed Rey back onto the bed.

There lips were locked and their tongues were exploring each other mouths. Ben slowly pulled away started to trail her jaw with kisses working his way down to her neck. He saw a purple mark already forming so he went back to it and started sucking it once more. Rey let out a moan which only made his hunger for her more intense. He slid his hand behind her back and unhooked her bra. He slipped off and started at her body in the candle light.
"What's wrong?" Rey asked.

"I can't believe I have someone as beautiful and amazing as you." Ben answered in a whisper.

Rey pulled him back down to her level and he started to kiss her collarbone and slowly worked his way to her chest. Rey let out several moans as his tongue swirled around her left nipple. His right hand finding its way to her underwear. His middle finger circling around her womanhood. Her wrapped her arm around his neck as her continued this for a while. Ben pulled away and started to leave trail of kisses starting from her mouth. Down her neck. Between her breasts. To her stomach. And to the hem of her underwear. He looked up at her, asking for permission. She nodded in response. Ben slowly pulled them down to her knees when he looked at her. She had her eyes closed and she started to move her hands to her face, blocking it from view. Ben slipped them away the way off and then took Rey's hands in his. She slowly opened her eyes.
"Rey you're so beautiful. Never ever feel self conscious around me. From you hair, to your toes I love it all. I love you. For you. Not your body." Rey felt tears sting her eyes. Ben wiped them away giving her a loving smile.

Ben stood up and pulled off his black boxers and climbed on top of Rey. He slid himself into slowly, trying not to hurt her too bad. She bit her lip and eyebrows scrunched in pain. He gave a few soft, slow thrusts.
"This ok? You feel ok? Are you hurting?" Rey let out a laugh.

"I'm fine Ben." She smiled up at him.

"When you want to stop, say so and I will."

Rey nodded in response. Ben soon started to increase his speed causing Rey to wrap her legs around his waist. He started to give her his all and couldn't suppress her moans anymore.
"Fuck Rey." He felt his peek coming. He could her's was too because her moaning became louder and faster.
"Ben." She moaned as they both reached their peek.

Ben pulled Rey into his side and he looked down at her.
"I love you Rey Solo."
"And I love you Ben Solo." He gave her a kiss on the top of her head. Rey wrapped her leg around his waist and threw her arm across his chest. Her breathing became slow. Ben smiled to himself.
"Thank you for giving her to me." He said into the now dark room, hoping some unknown God would hear.

Sorry for the wait! Had some stuff going on. Thank you for the support and love. Love you guys!

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