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I awoke to the alarm clock going off. It's time. I tried to sit up but Rey pulled me back down and grabbed my cheeks and pulled me into a passionate kiss. She pulled back.
"I love you Ben Solo." Our foreheads where touching.

"And you my sweet Rey have no idea how much I love you." I kissed her forehead and stood up making my way to the closet.

I took brown pants and robes. I didn't have a saber. I walked out of my closet and to the living room. Rey must've went to change in her apartment. I sat on the couch tapping my fingers when I heard s knock come from my door, I opened it to see Rey, Finn, Poe, my Mom, BB-8, Luke and Chewie standing in my doorway.

"Well Hello." I motioned for them all to come. To my surprised C-3PO and R2-D2 came in after all of them. Everyone took a seat in my living besides Chewie, 3PO, and Finn.

"Here you are my son." My mother handed me a brown bag. I opened up to find a light saber, I stood up and turned it on. The humming of the green light sent light into my soul. I turned it off and placed it on my belt and sat back down.

"Thank you, what do I owe the pleasure to all of these people being here?" I asked.

"To go over our plans and just be together until it's time.." Poe stammered.

We went over our plans about 3 times before Chewie said he was hungry. Then my mom got up and went to the kitchen to make pancakes. I felt like a kid again.

When we were done eating and done with small talk the wave of darkness hit us all at once. We remember what we were about to do.

"I.I think it's time everyone. Everyone go to their ships as I tell the crew it time." My mother spoke not make eye contact with anyone.

I was almost out my door when my mother grabbed my shoulder.
"Ben. Know that I love you. Know that you Father still loves you and the light will always be inside you." She pulled me into an embrace when she broke it she had tears in her eyes.

"It will end today mom." With that I ran to the Millennium Falcon. Memories of my childhood danced in my head. Chewie and Rey got the ship into autopilot after a while. I went into one of the bedrooms on board to be alone. We when be there soon.

"Daddy when can I fly the ship!?" I asked my dad. I was about 5.

"When I'm dead and gone." He said with a smirk.

Dad and Chewie started to tell me stories of their adventures. My eyes filled with wonder. I wanted to see the Galaxy. All of it.
~End Of Flashback~

Ben P.O.V.
"Ben?" I looked up from the bed and saw Rey in the doorway with a worried look on her face. She came and sat down by me on the bed. She began to wipe tears from my eyes. Apparently I was crying. I pulled her into my lap and buried my face in the crook of her neck.

"You are doing the right thing Ben." Rey said stroking my hair.
"Your dad would be proud with what you're about to do." I raised my head from her neck and stared at her. Her beautiful brown eyes looking back at me. I'm in loved with this girl. I rested my forehead on hers and said
"I'm so in love with you Rey. Please don't ever leave me. Please." I felt tears sting my eyes.

"Never will I leave you Ben. I love you." She caressed my cheek and kissed my forehead.

"It's time." Luke said standing in the doorway.

We both left the room hand in hand. We were on the planet. We all made a circle in the ship and held hands as Luke spoke.
"May today be the day when the dark is turned into light. May today be the day that peace and justice is brought back to the Galaxy. May today be the day that will all live with no worry of war. May we look at Ben and see that yes dark can turn into light. May we look at Rey and see light radiate off of her. May we look at Chewie and Finn and see strength and friendship. May we all live. May the Force be with us all."

We began to listen to the commands. The first fighters have been sent to start the attack. It is time we go. Everyone got off the ship but Luke pulled me aside.
"Today is the day you will fully say goodbye to Kylo Ren. Ben, I knew what would happen but I couldn't stop it. If I just left you at home with your mom i-" I cut him off. With a hug.
"I love you uncle Luke. You've always been my role model." I'm showing so much weakness right now.
"I'm proud of you Ben. Now prove yourself to the others. I love you too." We got off the ship and made our way towards the others.

"Any idea where Snoke is Ben?" Finn asked.

"The lake. Follow me and hide where I tell you. Rey I will use the Force to tell you to come. Same with Luke." I lead the team towards the lake. The ground shook from the fighting going on. We gotta make this fast. The lake came into  view.

"Hide behind those boulders." I began to walk but Rey grabbed me and pulled me into an embrace, kissing me deeply.
"I love you." She said.
"I know." I said in response. Luke smirked at this.

"May the Force be with you." Said my uncle.

I was now feet away from the lake. I saw Snoke standing in his black robes. Making the atmosphere go dark.
"Ah. Look what the Force dragged in. Ben is it?" His voice sending fear into my soul. But I stood my ground.

"It ends today Snoke." I said through gritted teeth.

"Yes it does. You and your new friends." He pulled out his saber. It was a crimson red. He forced jumped over the lake so he was only yards from me. I lit my saber, becoming one with it. Snoke made the first move. Trying to stab my side but I blocked it. I tried to cut his head off but he then tried to cut my stomach. I blocked every blow u Tim he got my forearm. I howled in pain. I can't call Rey until he's wounded. I then made a move to stab his stomach and succeeded.

"Now Rey. Now!" I called to her in the force. She then came behind Snoke and cut his legs. He yelled in fury.
"Luke!" It's almost done. Snoke the made a move to me. And stabbed me through my gut. I stared at him in surprise. He stared back me with an evil smile. Pain is all I felt. Pain.

Rey's P.O.V.
He stabbed Ben! I screamed in pain! In pain that Ben might die! I made a swift move and off came Snoke's head. I got on my knees by Ben. I pulled his head into my lap.
"Shhhh. Shh. You're going to be okay. I promise. You said we wouldn't leave each other." Tears fell from my eyes. Ben started to cough up blood. I felt nothing but pain through my body. It pains me to see this. He caressed my cheek.
"Forever my light. Forever my love." He took a deep breath when he said this and turned away from me. His chest stopped rising.
"NO NO NO! YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T LEAVE ME! BEN COME BACK TO ME! BEN COME BACK! I LOVE YOU!" I screamed. I screamed. I felt arms wrap around me.

"Rey we have to go!" It was Finn. Chewie picked up Ben with tears in his eyes. He started to howl. Luke came aswell crying.
"Get him on the ship maybe he can come back." Luke said. We ran to the ship.

Chewie sat Ben down in their little hospital area. Chewie then lead me to the pilot seat. I couldn't stop crying. Neither could Chewie. The ground shook violently. They did it. The planet will blow up any second. Chewie and I got the ship off the ground in time. The exposing from the planet sent us flying. Luke made me stay with Chewie in the front. I cried into to Chewie's arms.

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