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I laid in bed waiting on Rey to join me. She has been silent since we were in the garden. She put her rose in a long, thin case that has mirrors on every side. I began to fiddle with my string on my black pants I was wearing. I liked these new pants a lot because they were black, went down to my ankle, and soft. I had the drapes pulled back to let the moonlight in, I had the door leading to the balcony open to let in a breeze and to hear the waves. In came Rey. She took my breath away.

Rey was wearing a short nightgown that was such a light blue it was almost white. The top of the nightgown had white lace around the neckline. It caressed her breasts beautifully. The bottom of the nightgown went to her mid-thigh, this as well had white lace. She came towards the bed, her long hair flowed as she walked, the moon kissing her features as if trying to savor them all.

" beyond beautiful." I felt my cheeks go hot. I ran my fingers through my hair nervously. She was too good for me.

"Thank you." She whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. Then she bit my ear. I couldn't take it now.

I got on top her, pinning her hands above her head and began to kiss her collarbones, neck and chin.
"Kiss me on the lips." She almost growled. I only smirked and found her sensitive spot on her neck and began to suck it. She let out a whimper, causing her to wrap her legs around my waist. I then moved to her lips, our lips were in perfect motion when her tongue wanted entrance I granted it, putting mine in her mouth making her moan into the kiss.

Rey got on top now. She had her knees on both sides of my hips and she began to grind on my harden member.
"Fuck Rey." I murmured as I grabbed the back of her hips. She moaned a bit. I was about to pull off her nightgown when I stopped myself.

"Rey you look fucking amazing but I want to take you when we come back from our mission."

"We will come back don't worry Ben." She caressed my face. She climbed off of me and got under the blankets me. Her was against my chest as we slowly drifted off into sleep.

"Foolish boy!" A voice boomed. It's him again.
"Face me and all your friends will die! You were always weak. I knew you would turn back. I knew! You sicken me! The water will us your fate."

I sprung up straight in bed, breathing hard.
"The lake." I mumbled. Rey stirred and sent wave of relief over me. I laid back down and wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her into my chest.

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