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*Month Since Proposal*
Ben's P.O.V.
It's today! I will forever be with my Love, my Light.

I am standing in Finn's room waiting on them to get finished getting dressed. I am wearing a black tuxedo with a blue bow tie and vest. This blue matches the flowers at the ceremony. Finn is my Best Man, and Poe is my groomsmen. The wedding colors are blue and white because Rey loves blue.

"We are done! Are you ready!?" Poe came out in the same outfit I was in with just a regular tie.

"To start a new life? Yes." I felt butterflies soar in my stomach.

"Then let's get going groom." Finn said as he slapped my shoulder.

We soon arrived to the garden where everyone in resistance and friends of the resistance were present. There was a white carpet leading to the arch that had blue roses wrapped around it. In the front seats was my mom.
"Oh Ben! I'm so happy for you two!" My mom came running up to me and pulled me into a tight hug. I gave her a kiss on top of the head and proceeded towards the alter. Luke was there smiling at me.
"Your father would be proud of your changes." He whispered to me as the music started to play. She was coming.

C-3PO and R2-D2 came down the aisle throwing blue petals on the carpet. I saw Chewie open the down and there she was. She took my breath a away. She had her hair in a braid that went over her right shoulder and down her chest. In the braid she had small white flowers intertwine with it. Her dress was white with long lace sleeves and her dress had soft lace flowers in it. Her skin sparkled as she walk toward me; Chewie leading her down the aisle. She smiled at me and I just felt tears run down my face. How did I get this lucky?

She hugged Chewie and handed her flowers to Maz. She then walked to me and took my hands; she had tears in her eyes aswell. She had light pink eyeshadow and light pink lipstick. She had glitter across her skin. She made the sun look like it wasn't as bright as her.
"We are here today to join these two people in ever lasting love. If you will give your vows." Luke turned to me.

I cleared my throat
"Rey. First off you look amazing. Before I met you I had no hope, no love, no desire to live. Now that I've found you I have a reason to live. You have been my every thought since I first saw you. You gave me love. But most of all you showed me the light and I am forever in your debt. You're the love of my life. You're the dark to my light, and I hope today you'll forever be mine." Tears rolled down her face and I heard my mom and Maz sniffling.

"Ben. I've always been alone. I was thrown into a war that I had no idea I was ever going to get into. Being with these people gave me confidence. But it didn't give me self love. Then I met you. The real you. Not some stupid mask. Not some monster but Ben. You gave me love and in the process you showed me things I didn't see in myself. Ben I'm in love with you and will forever be in love with you." She gave me a weak smile. My heart started pumping.

"May we have the rings?" Luke chimed. Soon BB-8 came rolling down the aisle holding a pillow with the rings on it. I took Rey's ring and she took mine.

"Do you Ben Chewbacca Solo take Rey Rose Kenobi to be you wife? Through sickness and in health. I smiled at Rey and started to place the ring on her finger
"I do." She smiled as another year escaped both of our eyes.

Luke turned to Rey,
"And do you Rey Rose Kenobi take Ben Chewbacca to be your husband? Through sickness and in health." She started to slide the ring on my finger and said
"I do." She whispered.

"Then with the Force I pronounce you husband and wife!" I pulled Rey in to a deep kiss and I felt tears rush down my face. I grabbed Rey's hand as she got her flowers back. We walked down the aisle as everyone stood up and clapped.

I turned to Rey and saw her watching me and I gave her a smile. She is finally mine.

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