Deal With The Devil

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-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. Dipper's POV -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.

"DIPPER!!!!!!" I heard my name being shouted from the other room. I put down the weaponry I was helping Wendy with and went to go investigate the source of the yell.

"Yeah?" I asked. Peaking my head in the doorway, I saw Mabel, Soos, and Old Man McGukkit leaning over some blueprints.

"Bro-Bro, do you think you can go and get a few things for McGukkit? We're missing a few things for the blueprint and McGukkit can't continue 'til he has them!" My twin sister Mabel yelled with a smile. I shrugged.

"Eh, sure." I said, still standing at the doorway. From my place in the room I can just make out some of the plans scribbled out on the blueprints.

"Hey thanks dude," Soos ushered me over to the table, where I got a better look at the plans. "Here's a list of everything you need." He said, holding out a folded up piece of paper.

"Alright. I'll be back." I state, heading back to the door.

"Most 'a the things I need can be found in the town ruins." McGukkit said, never once lifting his gaze from the blueprints to look at me. I nod.

"Okay, I'll be back," Before I slipped all the way through the door, I looked back at the trio. "-and if Wendy asks, tell her I'll finish helping her when I get back."

"No prob, Bro-Bro!" Mabel said, smiling and waving.

"Be careful, dude." Soos said, more enveloped in the plans to look up at me.

"'Cya." I said before walking out of the room, leaving the three to their work. I sighed softly and looked out the window to see if any of Bill's henchmaniacs were outside sifting through any rubble.

"Great..." I said through clenched teeth. Outside were those dumb Eye Bats, flying over and turning moving objects into stone. There was no way I was going to be that ignorant as to step outside when those things were flying about. I groaned, turned away from the window, and started to walk away.


I stopped, dead in my tracks.


Slowly and cautiously, I turned around.

Flap, flap.

It was the bats. I looked out the window again and saw something I never thought I would really see. All the Eye Bats flew away in a quickened frenzy. That's strange.... they usually leave one at a time and as they please. They never flew away in a group before. I slowly walked back to the window, watching the odd phenomenon.

"Weird... wonder what's gotten into them.." I thought aloud to myself. I shrugged it off as nothing. 'Maybe they were called back by Bill or something.' I rolled my eyes at the mention of the demonic tortilla chip. 'Either way I don't care. Now I can go get the supplies for McGukkit' I thought, walking to the door and peaking out. Nothing or no one remained outside- which was good for me. I stepped out into the weird air and looked up at the sky to see the monstrosity up above. Demons and such leaked out of the giant tear up above. I sighed at the sight and stepped off the Mystery Shack's porch and out of the "unicorn force field".

I shivered. Not from the cold, but from the uneasy sense I was surrounded in. But than again, this IS Weirdmageddon, would anyone expect anything less? Not wanting to show any sign of being a coward, I stood up straight, took a deep breath, and started walking to the town ruins.


My mouth hung agape as I saw just how much destruction the town was in. Everything was in shambles, barely anything left intact. 'Certainly there isn't anyone else left.... they must've all been taken back to Bill's castle...' I mentally sighed remembering everyone who was still missing. Wendy's family, Lazy Suzan, Shandra Himendez... Grunkle Ford... I shook the sadness away. Now was not the time to be sad. I had a job to do and I need it done ASAP. I grabbed the list that Soos gave me out of my pocket and examined it. It was just simple things, like certain tools not in the shack and odds and ends stuff.

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