Master Of The House!

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*-*-*Dipper's POV*-*-*

The time was one in the morning when I awoke in my bed. The sound of annoying laughter could be heard just outside my door. When I sat up from my bed the laughter had gotten louder, and loud music could be heard from the distance. I kicked my legs over the rim of my bed, and made my way over to the doorway.

I peeked out the keyhole to see more than atleast 100 henchmaniacs dancing, yelling, and having a grand time. I stepped back from the door and covered my mouth and shut my eyes, just incase Bill might sense me.

After a minute, I walked quietly to my door and gently opened it. Different colors flashed around the perimeter of the Fearamid, and more of Bill's minions flew in through the gap in the wall. I looked around through the crack for Bill, but sadly he wasn't anywhere to be seen.

Thats when I heard footsteps.

"Hey Pyronica," a foreboding voice spoke."What room is this?" The door handle shook, and the door flung open.

Of course, the monster and Pyronica's first reaction when they saw a human in the Fearamid was to attack. They both charged, and from the corner of my eye I saw other henchmaniacs coming closer.

I brought my knees to my face, and rolled to the other side of the room, which left Pyronica's head to strike into my dresser drawer. The other monster tried to attack but to no avail, missed and flew out the broken down door.

I had no choice but to run out into the middle of the party, of course tripping on the way. Monsters turned there heads to see a thirteen-year-old boy sprawled in the middle of the floor.

First, they all stared for a bit, then looked at the throne where Bill was sitting, no longer in his body. Bill coughed awkwardly at the silence and floated down into the middle of the floor where I lay. I sat up and instantly crawled behind him as if he were a shield. The monsters got up from what they were doing to come at take a look.

"He's my...uh...prisoner." Bill said.

The monsters stayed silent for a bit. Some whispered to eachother, the others just stayed silent. Then out of the blue, one just began to applaude, which lead to more monsters applauding, soon the entire Fearamid was applauding though I wasn't sure why. Bill just rolled his eye and with a snap of his finger, he teleported us back to my room.

"Phew, good thing they're idiots." He laughed." Let me fix this place." Bill snapped once again, and the room was back to normal.

"T-Thanks." I muttered.

Something feels strange, why is my heart pounding? Why am I all sweaty? Eww...

I crawled up onto my bed and took a blue book from one of the shelves above. Bill floated through the door, and back into the main room.

"THE PARTY IS OVER, BACK TO WORK!" Bill's voice boomed outside my door, pratically shaking the entire Fearamid.

Groans and angry footsteps could be heard making way down the hall through the exit of the Fearamid. I looked at the front cover, in which bold letters read; Robin Hood, one of my favorite stories to read. I flipped some of the pages to the beginning and began to read silently.

After a few minutes of reading, I realized sleep wouldn't come. Home was on my mind, mostly my family. The thought of living in such as nice place as this all my life was reassuring, but the feeling that I wouldn't be able to see Ford or Mabel left me sick.

Of course, I knew Bill would keep his side of the deal, that was also very reassuring and I was glad I could trust him now.

A smile spread across my face. Bill has been so kind to me since my stay I guess I grew to, how should I put this? Like..him. Most likely though this will end as it did with Wendy.

{BillDip} Stockholm SyndromeWhere stories live. Discover now