Love Sick

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-=-=-=-Ford's P.O.V.-=-=-=-

   I slammed my fist on the table, anxious and nervous beyond belief. My niece's friend- no, her best friend- was murdered. Dead. Gone. And all at the hands of a certain demon I knew all too well about. Bill Cipher. I looked around the used to be living room, seeing the grim faces of the residents of this town.

"I can't believe this!" I yelled, again slamming my fist on the table. Mabley.

"What?" I asked, still walking. Stan ran up and matched my pace.

"Who do you think you are, walking off like that?" He questioned.

"Someone who's going to get back his nephew."

"Not alone you aren't. Stop walking." I did as he said, although very hesitantly. He handed me a gun, put on some brass knuckles, and looked me dead in the eye as I gave him a confused look.

"Like I said, not alone you aren't," he paused to look at his brass knuckles, then he placed his hand over my shoulder.

"Where do we start?"

(/)/(/)/Bill's P.O.V.(/)/(/)/

PineTree and I stood there for a while, just looking out to the mangled town below our feet. I looked down at the kid, who was pulled close to me. I smiled softly. 'I guess all that research was worth it,' I thought.

"Hey, uhm, Bill...?" PineTree mumbled, still looking out to the town.

"Yea, kid?"

"Can you... can you understand human feelings, or?"

"Wh-what do you mean?" I asked, a bit stumped by the sudden question.

"I mean, we've been around each other so much lately, I... I just.. I thought... I thought that maybe you would, I don't know, pick up on some emotions.." He stumbled over his words more than usual. I decided to read his mind. 'I wonder if he can understand my feelings for him, or if he'll just dismiss them as something different...'

"Well, yeah, I can understand a bit more about your... weird... human emotions now, I suppose." I smiled and kept reading his thoughts.

"Oh, okay." Was his only reply. I looked down at his crimson flushed face, I cocked a brow and smirked deviously.

"So, why'd you wanna know, PineTree?" I questioned. If he won't tell me straight up, I'll force it out of him.

"N-no reason!" He said quickly, obviously nervous. However, his thoughts told a completely different story. 'Tell him! Let him know how you feel! Tell him you like him!'

"Oh? Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm very sure."

'Tell him!'

"One-hundred precent sure?"

"If you wanna know why don't you just read my thoughts like every other time?" He snapped, getting anxious and nervous. Still with a smirk, I leaned down to his height and leaned in close.

"Because I wanna hear you say it," I whispered. PineTree sighed heavily.

"You really are a demon!!" He yelled, looking away. I grinned cheekily and stood up straight.

"Same as always~!" I chimed. "Now go lay down, kid. You're all red again and you have yet to sleep." He groaned.

"Bill, I'm not sick.. and I'm not tired." He sighed out. I started to float, relaxing a bit with my right arm behind my head and other pointing to PineTree.

"That's just the sickness talking." I said, smiling down at him. He started off towards his room in a defeated manner. As he walked away, I read his thoughts one last time. 'Yeah, I'm sick alright...... love sick...'

{BillDip} Stockholm SyndromeWhere stories live. Discover now